Chapter 18

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Next morning, I woke up before the alarm rang. 'Strange that I woke up earlier. Good job Rose.' I dragged myself up and went inside the bathroom to freshen up.

"Ahhh! TEST!! Gotta attend college this time." My injuries didn't heal completely. I still feel the pain, especially in my knees.

I wore a peachy coloured dress because I was in no condition to wear jeans. I brushed my hair but couldn't find the clip. "Where did I keep them?" I opened the drawer and searched for them. Just then my eyes landed on the bracelet. I picked it up and looked at it for a moment. 'Why did you do that, Rey...'

This one question always pops up in my mind, no matter how much I've understood. It's obvious. I don't argue with him anymore, I don't share my feelings with him anymore; I keep them hidden. Is there any benefit or need to do so? No, right? Infact, I am not sure about my feelings now. Strange.

I put it inside the drawer and looked for the clips. I found them, clipped my hair
and went downstairs. "Good morning mom, dad." "Morning honey." They spoke in unison. "You are going to college? How are you feeling?" my mom asked. "I'm fine mom. I've a test today, I can't miss it." "Are you prepared?" "Of course, mom." "Ok, come on, have your breakfast." I sat down at the table and started eating. "Rose, I'll drop you today." "Ok, dad."

After having breakfast, we left the house and went near the car. We sat inside and I said, "Dad, I also want to drive. Will you teach me?" "Ok, but first get healed." "Sure!" I exclaimed. He started the engine, and we left the place. After we travelled a few distances, we got stuck in traffic. "Oh no." I sighed. I looked outside the window and my eyes landed on the car next to ours. A boy and a girl were sitting inside.

The boy was holding the girl's hand and they were laughing. I smiled looking at them because it reminded me of my time. 'For god's sake Rose, stop relating everything with your past.' It wasn't my fault; the scenes automatically crossed my mind. I try my best not to think about anything.

"Rose!" my dad shook me out. "Yes, dad?" "I've been calling you for minutes, where were you zoned out? Is everything okay?" I nodded and hummed. The traffic got cleared and we left.

"Rose, yesterday your mom was talking about you and Rey. She said that there's something going on between you both. What happened?" At this point I wanted to cry, and I didn't know why. I turned my head and shook a little indicating no. "Stop lying."

"Everything's fine, dad." I spoke with a stern voice and without looking at him. He sighed, "It's okay if you don't want to say anything now. But don't forget that your mom and I are always with you." he cupped my hands with his free hand. I turned to him and smiled slightly.

We reached the college, and I unbuckled my seatbelt. "Bye, dad." "Bye" I got down and made my way inside. I saw Lena standing near the entrance. "Hey, what's up?" I spoke. Her back was facing me; she didn't say anything. "Lena?" I put a hand on her shoulder and faced her, but my eyes widened at what I saw next.

Lena's POV:

I reached college but wasn't feeling well. As soon as I went near the entrance, I got dizzy. This has been happening with me for a few weeks. I hold the railing to keep my balance. Not many people were in the corridor. Soon I started coughing.

I took my handkerchief out and covered my mouth. I coughed on my handkerchief and felt something wet. I removed it and my eyes widened to see it covered with blood. I didn't know what was happening to me. I was so in shock that I didn't know when Rose stood near me.

Rosabella's POV:

My eyes widened to see blood over her handkerchief. I looked at her and saw
some near her lips too. I grabbed her hand and immediately took her to the
restroom; thankfully it was empty. I took the handkerchief from her hand and wiped the blood on her face. After doing so, I threw it in the bin.

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