As I jumped and hugged his back and nuzzled my face as his pheromones comforted me. He chuckled and I could feel the vibrations through his body I felt truly happy and relaxed.


I jolted up after hearing a loud noise and saw a woman dress in pink floral dress. She was holding a bowl in her hand as she watched me with guilty expression and mouthed

"Oh I am sorry , I disturbed your rest. I just didn't expect there to a glass on the floor. Well now that you are awake you can eat this porridge"

She smiled kindly. Her voice was really sweet. She placed the porridge beside the bed side table. And bent down to pick up the glass pieces.

"Are you Amy?" I asked her as I looked into her smily eyes. There was something about her that made me feel calm and comfortable.

"Oh how impolite of me to not introduce myself first. I am Amy, Walter's wife. You may have already met him considering you already knew my name. Well he can be clumsy guy sometimes, this is his work room that's why it's so messy. He says this helps him work more faster but I know it's just his excuse to escape cleaning"

She laughed heartily talking about her mate. I felt a tug at my heart but I ignored it.

I hurriedly started eating the porridge Amy got me. It was warm and delicious. I eating like I haven't eaten anything in decades. While Amy was just sitting by the bed looking at me lovingly.

I felt embarrassed and started slowly eating my meal which earned a chuckle from Amy.

"Don't be embarrassed I know you must be famished" she said

After eating, she took the bowl and handed me a glass of water.

"Well how did you get swept away by the river?" She asked

" You have to answer if you don't want to.....mhm" she added hurriedly.

I can see that she is hesitant trying not to scare me. I smiled feeling her consideration for me. I guess I can stay here for a while before finding a new accomodation.

" Well it's a long story. I hope you won't feel sleepy"

I answered as I told her how I got here. Skipping the details about Xander. I don't know why but I feel sad not being able to see him again. Should have gone with him. Maybe we could still live together.

Aish, what am I even thinking Xander deserves to live his life happily. I would have been a burden on him. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Amy's shrill voice.

" You are just 18. Your pack is just barbaric. Who even does this. Anyways Clive you can sure live with me and Walter."

" And you know what you can help Walter with his work. He has been complaining about not having an assistant." Amy squeaked with joy.

Well I guess learning something new would be something beneficial. But I don't think Walter would be happy about me living with them...

And he wasn't in the best mood hearing that I have extended my stay but he didn't raise any objections.
At night while having dinner at the I asked Amy about their pack and this time I heard Walter grunting to show his displeasure. Did I accidentally rub salt on some old wounds. Amy smiled but this time her smile didn't reach her eyes as she sighed and continued.

"Well this is a neutral territory. Walter and I both ran away from our pack 10 years ago. You see our Alpha was crazy for power. He wanted expand his territory and influence so wars were a constant issue there. That's why Walter proposed that we run away and live separately."

"Oh I am sorry I uh -"

"Don't be it's not your fault. Anyways we can live freely here. And I can pursue photography without any stress here. " Walter interrupted me again.

I don't know what was going through my head but I spoke suddenly.

" Hey can you teach me photography too. I'll help you with your workload."

I heard Amy giggle at my sentence and Walter tsked audibly.

" You better be prepared kiddo cause I am not the most patient teacher. You can start after your wounds heal completely".

Walter said.

I smiled and continued eating dinner. The rest of the dinner Amy was telling me about her's and Walter's life which made me feel a little jealous from inside. How nice would it be to experience a quiet peaceful life with your mate.

My Mate,My Dear[bxb]Where stories live. Discover now