Chapter 43: Rifts and Cracks

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In the era when the Doomsday Watchers were active, the Mage Guild reached its peak under William's management. The most outstanding magic researchers on the continent of the time gathered and jointly proposed the Astral Circuit.

After the "Magic Dawn" mission was completed, William, who had publicized the Astral Circuit technology, had been looking forward to the game's sequel. Would it be a world where magic and steam combined?

However, things didn't go as planned. At least a thousand years later, this world still looked like it had medieval productivity.

However, later generations realized the Astral Circuit.

This made William very curious about how they solved those technical problems.

The greatest technical difficulty of the Astral Circuit wasn't building the Astral Lighthouse or even building a magic network that covered the continent. These were all secular problems that could be done as long as a ruler dared to invest resources.

The true difficulty was finding many paths that could bypass the Moon Realm and connect Currere to the Astral World.

In this world, stars weren't true celestial bodies, but holes. They penetrated the Moon Realm that symbolized nothingness and allowed Creatons from the Astral World to pass through themselves. Those Creatons turned into starlight after being filtered by the World Shell.

In William's era, due to the drastic changes in the Moon Realm, even the greatest Astral Constellation Master in the world couldn't accurately predict the direction of the stars.

Without a stable prediction, it was impossible to draw a star map, and it was impossible to build a natural astral circuit.

According to his calculations, it would take at least 500 years for the Moon Realm to gradually calm down. However, he learned from Liliana that the Astral Laws had been established slightly over 200 years after he left.

Then, how did they bypass the unstable Moon Realm and head to the Astral World to build a circuit?

The answer was that they hadn't bypassed the Moon Realm at all.

When William saw the dense spatial stabilization runes engraved on the tower, his heart fell.

When he saw the huge Moon Realm rift on the top of the tower through the spell, Moon Realm Detection, he almost blew a gasket.

The designer of the Astral Laws didn't choose to bypass the unpredictable Moon Realm. Instead, he simply and crudely chiseled open the World Shell and passed through the Moon Realm to build the Astral Circuit.

The Scar of Sorrow suppressed by the Twilight Fortress used to be the largest Moon Realm rift in Currere. That was the opening to the World Shell, and it was also the largest portal for the Moon Realm's invasion of Vic Continent back then.

As for the rift at the top of the Astral Lighthouse, although it wasn't as large as the Scar of Sorrow, once a Void Sovereign wanted to do something through it, it would cause catastrophic consequences.

Back then, after the Doomsday Watcher repelled the Moon Realm's invasion, it took a lot of effort to seal the wound. Even so, the Scar of Sorrow was still the World Shell's weak point to this day. The Stumbling Demon summoned there proved this.

And they dug open the World Shell themselves just to monopolize the Astral World's magic power source?

William still remembered that Liliana had said that there were a total of 24 Astral Lighthouses on the continent. If the Moon Realm rift here wasn't an exception, then there were 24 Moon Realm rifts evenly distributed on the Vic Continent.

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