1 - Let's play!

235 2 0

December 9th, 2048

"Cheers!" The group shouted, simultaneously raising their glass.

For bits of context for you readers, and I hope you have read the Author's note that's right above this chapter, for more context it's our dear Liam's 20th birthday, and instead of celebrating it over to his and his father's place. They celebrated at Liam's biological mother and stepfather's beach house. His mother was more than happy and welcome to throw a party for one of her beloved sons and his stepfather welcomed him happily.

Jake, Drew, and Henry were of course invited, Drew and Jake asked over Hailey and the others, incidentally, Stacy being his cousin was invited and she also invited Daisy, Sadie, and Elliott.

"Guys, let's play a game!" Millicent said standing up from where she was sitting.

The group was in the living room, sitting on the couches, or on each other's lap, like Alexander is sitting on Luke's lap.

"I swear, if it's Truth or Dare." Drew gave her a look.

"It is though." She tilted her head at him. "Nice guess!" She gave him a thumbs-up.

He groaned.

"It could be enjoyable, Drew." Alexander gave him a soft smile.

"C'mon, Drew, it will be fun." Luke said.

In the end, he couldn't do anything other than give up and sigh.

"Aww, Drewy Bear can't resist his cute boyfriends?" Jake said from across him.

"Liam, is it possible to kick him out of the celebration?" The pinkette turned to Liam, while the others laughed.

"That's enough you guys, let's play in Liam's room, can we?" Henry said, standing up and pulling on Liam's sleeve.

"Alright, if you say so." Liam stood up and led the way.

"Yes!" Millicent jumped up.

"Someone's excited." Hailey said as Daisy and Stacy giggled.

"Let's go as well Lia, we might get lost." Zoey crossed her arms.

She nodded and they followed behind the others.

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