Chapter 4: Truth Hurts

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It was the next day, after Lucy had encountered her parents and well... she's finally moving in. Selina was helping Lucy pack up her things. "So you found her at some random warehouse?" Selina asked. Lucy nodded, "Yes... apparently my father's depressed and doesn't want to show his face in the crime world ever again because the Bat's gone. I don't know what's happening with my parents... I don't know if I just completely ruined their relationship. Kinda hoping that I did so I don't have to see my father's face." Selina chuckled, "Knowing Harley... she'll probably stay by your father's side. It's how she is and always will be."

Lucy sighed as she looked around the place. Her suitcase was at the door along with her backpack. "I think that's everything." She said. "Your ride should be pulling up now. It's been fun kid, don't forget you can call me for anything, alright?" Selina asked. Lucy nodded in response with a smile. "I know Selina, thank you for everything." Selina smiled in return, "No problem, Luce." Lucy hugged Selina unexpectedly. Selina smiled and hugged her back. After a few minutes Lucy pulled back, "See ya around, Selina." With that, Lucy walked toward the door, grabbing her suitcase and backpack. She opened the door and finally exited the apartment, making her way outside where her ride was parked on the street. She texted her mother that she was on her way as she entered the vehicle. No response. Maybe she's busy?

Harley's Apartment

The car came to a halt as Lucy checked her phone once again. Still nothing. She got out the vehicle and made her way to her mother's apartment building. It was secluded, there was only a car parked outside and that was it. It looked like nobody lived here. It was perfect. She knocked on the door and waited for response. Finally the door opened and there stood her mother with her arms wide open. Lucy immediately ran into them. "I'm so happy yer here hun," Harley said as she squeezed her daughter. Lucy chuckled, "I am too... but you're crushing my lungs." Harley let go of her. "Oops... sorry Luce," She chuckled. Lucy smiled, "It's fine mo-," she froze as her eyes wondered over to the table. "Now what the hell is he doing here?" Lucy asked, unamused. Her father was at the table, with a beer bottle in his hand. Still looking depressed as ever.

"You know, Mista J, he hasn't been himself lately. And you showin up, confrontin him, he has a lot on his mind." Harley explained to Lucy. Lucy looked furious at her mother. "Yes all because Gotham's Guardian is gone and he gets to act all depressed. I really thought you were better than this mother." Harley sighed, "Luce I know that yer angry at him for what he did and trust me, I am too." Lucy raised an eyebrow, "Are you because it really seems like you don't care. You don't care how this has affected me for years. You don't care about the fact that I had to learn from your sister that my life was a lie. You don't care about the fact that he has not only ruined my life but my future. He's the most hated man in Gotham. And once people start realizing that I'm his daughter, I'll be right up there with him."

Harley looked at Lucy with a sad expression on her face. "I know, Luce. I know that I've let you down. But I promise you that I do care. I care about you more than anything else in the world. And I'm sorry for what yer fatha' has done. I know that he's hurt you deeply and I can't change that. But I can be here for you now. I can try ta make things right." Lucy looked at her mother with tears in her eyes. "I just don't know if I can forgive him, mom. I don't know if I can trust him." Harley put a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "I understand, Luce. And you don't have to forgive him if you don't want to. But I hope that one day you can find it in your heart to forgive him. For your own sake." Lucy nodded slowly. "I'll try, mom. I'll try." Harley smiled, "Great now... come on let me show you your room. Oh wait... close your eyes." Lucy closed her eyes, "Okay...?"

Harley motioned for Joker to get up from the seat and help guide Lucy to her new bedroom. Joker didn't look amused to do so but why bother arguing with Harley. They led Lucy to her room. Once they got there, Harley told Lucy to open her eyes. Lucy opened her eyes and looked around the room. It was decorated with all of her favorite things. She had a big bed with a fluffy comforter, a desk with a computer, and a bookshelf filled with books. It was almost identical to her bedroom at her aunt's house but bigger. It made her a little emotional actually. It was like she was home again. It was clear her father had something to do with this, so she hid back her tears as she face them both. "I see father had something to do with this. I'm surprised for someone who wanted nothing to do with me." He's had it with this child already. "Listen, if you want to act like a brat, be my guest," Joker said with a scowl. "Oh please, you owe me a lot more than recreating my bedroom," Lucy retorted back. "You have been nothing but an un-" Joker was the cut off by Harley. "Enough... both of you. You both are going to be in each other lives... start actin like it."

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