Chapter 3: Fatherhood

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When Harley told me she was pregnant, I didn't know how to feel. On one hand, I hate kids. They're so sticky and annoying and they simply take up too much of your time. I am the Joker, I have no time to take care of poop explosions. But on the other hand, I saw a glimpse of my previous life. The life I had with my Jeannie. Sure, I was just a man with a shit career, but I had fatherhood to look forward to. Was I really to become a father after all of these years? I was gonna tell Harley that it wouldn't be a good idea to keep the pregnancy. When Harley told me, she looked scared at first but when she realized I wasn't pissed off, she got excited about the thought of becoming a mother. I wasn't going to argue with her. I didn't have the energy to.

As it got closer to Harley's due date, the more careful I had to be. We had to go into hiding for a few months because it would be too dangerous for Harley to do anything. If I had gotten caught up in something, which was very tempting, she wouldn't be there to get me out of it. Without having Batsy to distract me, I had to be alone with my thoughts, my thoughts that are unclear most of the time. Even I don't know what they're saying half the time, yet I'm insane. The last few months of Harley's pregnancy was the worst months of my life. I had to dismiss my men so they wouldn't find out that Harley was carrying my child. I missed being able to scheme, carry out my schemes, end up in my happy place which is Arkham Asylum, and break out and do it all over again.

My time away only made me realize how much a responsibility this child would be. I will not be able to be the Clown Prince of Crime once the snot rag was born. I only laughed at the thought of me actually giving up my life of crime to raise this child. It's a ridiculous thought, is it not? Even if I did, realistically, Harley and I are not equipped to be parents. The baby would've been taken from us. Or the Bat would've found out and the raise it to be his own sidekick. Why on Earth would even I put my child through that? Contemplating this was exhausting, this whole thing was exhausting. After some consideration, I knew what I had to do once this baby was born. As much fun as it would be to have an heir, the baby has no business being near us. I think that is the only sane thought I've ever had.

Finally Harley's due date came.... And yes... I the Joker was freaked the hell out....

15 years ago, Gotham General

The Joker broke every speeding law to ever exist when trying to get to Gotham General. They were admitted to a room and Joker made sure no one said a peep about this pregnancy. He had zoned out for the most part, his own thoughts starting to shout over each other. He heard the words, "Push Harleen..." And quickly snapped out of it looking over toward his jester. Harley used all of her energy to push. The Joker watched in horror as Harley's face contorted in pain. He could feel his heart racing as he realized that this was really happening. When the baby finally emerged, he felt a wave of relief wash over him. "Congratulations, it's a girl."  The doctor looked over toward the Joker, "Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?"

The Joker hesitated for a moment, unsure if he was ready for this level of responsibility. However, when he looked down at his newborn daughter, he knew that he's going to have to be. He took the scissors from the doctor and carefully cut the umbilical cord. As he did, he felt something  that he had never felt before, especially when he heard his daughter's first cry. Once again, it was feeling he didn't like. He felt warm on the inside. He couldn't stand it. The doctors took the baby girl to get cleaned. As he watched his daughter get taken away, he looks over at Harley who just looked exhausted. "Look at that J, we have a daughta'" She snorted. Harley then noticed his distant expression. "J, you okay?"

Joker snapped out of his own thoughts "Hm? Yeah of course I'm fine," he said with a nod. "Just checkin..." she replied. They had wheeled the baby in, she looks super healthy. The doctor gently picked the baby up and handed her to Harley first. Joker walked over to her. She then handed the baby to Joker. He didn't want to hold her, but as soon as the baby was in his arms, his whole expression changed. He looked down at his daughter, who was peacefully sleeping. "Damnit," He muttered underneath his breath. He couldn't believe something so innocent came from the most vile people on Earth. Her little blonde hair, her tiny hands. She even has his nose. Joker seen flashes of his past when looking at his daughter.

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