Chapter 12

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**Third Person POV**

The room was silent for a long moment as the guys took it all in.

"You're like me?" Sam said.

"And me." Josh added.

"She's just like all of us and more." Colby sighed smiling "You're beautiful, my love." 

There Fiona stood with pure white eyes, purple ichor running from her hands, fangs, long dark nails, and bloody tears running down her face.

"You were scared to show us what you were because you're a hybrid." Seth said and she nodded looking down at her shoes. He walked to her and gently picked up her chin. "A princess should never be ashamed of who she is." He then kissed her cheek and pulled her into a hug.

You see Fiona was a hybrid of four separate supernatural beings. Her souls true parents were the king and queen of the supernatural world, both being hybrids of two creatures. 

"This is why we never found you the first lifetime we were all alive. You were being hidden from us by your parents." Colby says quietly. Fiona walks to him and sighs gently.

"My parents worried that being in love with a princess would go to the heads of two silly young men. They believed that knowing my form would make you power hungry and cause me heartbreak. So, they hid me from everyone after I came of age." She then turned back to Seth. "Since they will live only a bit longer, I knew I'd have to tell you in this lifetime, but they always told me to wait until I knew you loved me for myself. So, I did exactly that. This right here proves to me that you don't care who or what I am. I know you both love me for myself."

A shimmer of magic came around her a few moments later and everyone was back to their human forms. 

"How?" Josh asked.

"I can reverse a revealing should I see fit. " she smiled at him.

"Can you see true forms?" Sam asks.

"Only if I have seen them previously. So, until someone is revealed to me, I can only see their human form. After they are revealed, I can see whichever I wish to see. Typically, at events I choose true forms so I can be more cautious. Though, I can't tell which I prefer with this group." she replies. "Alright, now we can discuss this more after we eat. I'm starving and I can't wait to get to the diner to eat some really good food." The group chuckled and grabbed their belongings. Fiona texted her boss and told her she was locking up.

Twenty minutes later they had packed the car and driven to the diner. Colby and Seth hadn't said much since they left the mansion. Fiona was worried, what were they thinking? Had she revealed herself too soon? Would they stop loving her because she took this long to tell her the truth?

"Fiona?" Sam said concerned. Fiona snapped out of her thoughts and realized that the waitress was taking their orders.

"Sorry." she said and placed her order quickly.

"Hey, can I borrow you for a moment?" Sam asked her. She nodded and followed him out of the diner. Once her was sure nobody was around or in hearing distance he turned to her.

"Fiona, you have to calm down. They are in shock. They love you more than life itself. You are all they ever talked about once they found each other. I mean seriously. Me and Colby met Seth and Josh at the same time this lifetime. Once they recognized each other all they could talk about was finding you. Hell, that's half of why we travel so much for YouTube, to go new places to try and find you." he explained. 

"Really?" she whispered.

"Really." he replied

"Thanks Sam." she chuckled as they headed back inside.

"Anytime." he said as they sat back down.

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