OC information

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Name: Cameron Jarvis
D.O.B 23/03/1991
Age: 17 (Book starts mid-late 2007)
Nationality: English
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Green
Height: 6ft 2
Build: Tall some muscle
Turns a pro wrestler in 2014

The Vampire Diaries 
The Originals
MUC (Note won't get original movie/show till after Endgame as I feel that the fact the Scarlett and Jeremy  and technically Mark didn't get one till after I don't believe the OC would get one till after too. )
Fighting with my Family
Many more to come

Would you like me the post the Marvel films the OC is in and the how long he is each show for or not and leave a surprise.
Note: Black Widow, (Spoiler yes Black Widow will be one of the films) will done after endgame just like it is in the actual MCU but the OC will be aware of those events but not explicitly mentioned. I've decided it easier to do it that way to link what happens between the books.

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