The SkyPeople's Puppets in Our Play

Start from the beginning

We found them quickly and were soon back in the sky.

Lo'ak and Kiri came back to collect Tuk right before we left to go Ewya knows where to do whatever entertained them.

I was sure they were probably going somewhere they weren't supposed to be, though.


We flew for a while, Jake making sure we remembered our formation flying. We did, so he let us off the hook to mess around a bit.

I flew my Ikran close to Neteyam's, so they brushed wings and slightly unbalanced the other rider.

I chuckled as I swooped away, Neteyam just smiled exasperatedly at my antics, not wanting to be seen messing around in front of his father.

Ralu flew up from underneath me, and I flipped upside down. He gave me a quizzical look as I was the only one who had flipped and my Ikran was still upright.

I laughed and settled myself back into place on Aretha's back.

I quickly moved Aretha back into formation, though, when I heard the comms crackle to life.

"Devil Dog? Devil Dog, this is Eagle Eye, over."

I rolled my eyes at the nicknames. Just name yourself something normal or something fitting to you like Trouble Starter.

My comm name was Huntress. I liked it because one, I got to pick it, and two, it didn't sound as ridiculous as the other names. Ralu's was Hunter. I had picked mine first and Ralu apparently wanted a similar one, so he picked Hunter. I found that gesture both endearing and slightly hilarious.

"Eagle Eye, send your traffic," Jake responded.

I almost rolled my eyes agian. It wasn't a fucking squad, it was a family! Why couldn't our clan leader get it through his thick skull?

"I've got eyes on some guys," Came Lo'ak's quiet response. "They look like avatars, but they're in full camo and carrying ARs. There are six of them. Over."

"What's your pos? Over." Jake asked.

Also the 'over' thing. Why the hell did they have to do that?

I pulled myself out of my thoughts when I heard a small sigh on the other end.

"Uh...we're at the old shack."

Neteyam, Ralu, and I glanced sharply at each other and then at Jake and Neytiri.

"Who's 'we'?" I asked. Jake frowned but let me speak.

We're usually not allowed to speak when Jake is talking, but something was clearly wrong, and Kiri, Lo'ak, Spider, and Tuk could be in danger. I furiously hoped it was only Lo'ak, but something told me all of them were there.

"Me, Spider, Kiri," he paused. "And Tuk."

I was right.

Neytiri gasped softly, looking over at Jake.

His mouth was set in a firm line as he gave Lo'ak instructions.

"Son, you listen to me very carefully," he ordered. "You pull back right now. Do not make a sound. You get the hell out of there. You copy?"

There came a whispered "Yes, sir," from the other end and then silence.

Neteyam flew up beside Jake.

"Dad, I know a quick way!" He shouted.

Neytiri and I immediately looped around and followed him. Ralu pulled next to me as Jake brought up the rear.

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