Chapter 20

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*Astral's Pov*

"You said I have another direct order right?" I asked. Yokoshima sighed.

"In a minute. Does the human trust you?" Yokoshima asked.

"He does," I said.

"Good, now how does the Zexal bond feel?" Yokoshima asked.

"We haven't formed it since the world duel carnival," I replied.

"You should utilize it more," Yokoshima sighed.

This didn't feel right anymore...

"We have no need unless it's against a strong opponent," I said.

I can't do this...

"You're not getting attached to him are you?" Yokoshima asked. I froze and I could feel my heart skip.

"No, I know where our mission lies...," I said.

"You know you can be replaced, so don't go getting any ideas," Yokoshima frowned.

"I'm not," I firmly stated. Yokoshima narrowed his eyes at me. He looked irritated and skeptical.

"Prove it, your next direct order is to get rid of Mei, or as you would know her Y/n. If you don't Enna or I will."

*Normal Pov*

"Good morning Y/n!" Rei greeted as you stepped into the class.

"Hey good morning!" you smiled.

"Morning Y/n!" Tori smiled.

"Good morning," you hummed. You sat there talking with Rei and Tori until Yuma and Astral arrived.

"Morning Yuma!" Rei beamed.

"Yeah, yeah, morning," Yuma mumbled as he rubbed his tired eyes and sat down in his seat.

"You okay?" you kneeled down next to him.

"Yokoshima had Astral and me up late training," Yuma yawned.

"Of course he did," you sighed and gently poked Yuma. You transferred some of your energy to him. Yuma jumped slightly but his tired eyes now popped open. He looked refreshed and ready to go.

"I don't know what you did but thanks Y/n!" Yuma smiled.

"It's what I'm here for!" You smiled," anyway I'm gonna get to my home room I'll see you guys at lunch!"

"Yeah, see you later Y/n!" Yuma smiled as you headed out.

When you got to your home room you sat down next to Damon. He still seemed really upset. Even if his nose was in a book.

"Hey," you hummed. Damon set his book down and looked at you.

"Y/n, do you really trust me?" Damon asked.

"Yeah, of course I do, is everything okay?" You asked.

"Everything is...-I'm sorry, things have been really stressful at home," Damon sighed," and then Adrian showing up to-"

"Damon! You don't owe me any explanation," you said as you set a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you Y/n," Damon sighed.

You smiled at him and gave a slight nod.

Classes started for the day and before you knew it, it was lunch time.

"Do you want to join us for lunch today?" You asked.

"Not today, I gotta go find Adrian," Damon sighed as he stood up.

"Alright! I'll see you later then," you smiled.

With that you headed up to the roof.

"Man this project is so dumb," Yuma sighed as he scrolled on his duel pad.

"It a a very important part of our city Yuma!" Tori exclaimed.

"What's the project about?" You asked.

"War general Girag," Yuma sighed as he showed you the tablet. You froze and dropped your lunch. He looked just like Mr Nasch...

"Hm? You okay Y/n?" Yuma asked.

"I- yeah. I'm fine. He just looks really similar to the person I met when I went to Master Roku's," you said.

"Hm, maybe he's their descendent!" Yuma smiled.

"Maybe," you sighed.

"Or they're the same person!" Caswell exclaimed. You all looked at him.

"Care to elaborate Caswell?" Tori asked.

"Gladly! This is just playing off the theory of reincarnation! You know getting reborn!" Caswell beamed. Your head started to feel fuzzy. "But who knows if that's even real!"


"Yuma?" You looked down at the key to see it shining.

"What's up Y/n?" Yuma asked innocently.



God why is it always you?

You were out instantly.

When you woke back up you were greeted by the nurse's office, Tori and Cathy.

"Tori, Cathy?" You hummed as you sat up.

"Oh good you're awake!" Tori smiled.

"Yeah what happened?" You asked rubbing your aching head. Cathy and Tori glanced at each other nervously. "Tori? Cathy?"

"Two numbers escaped the key!" Cathy blurted.

"Ah! That's not good! Where did they go? What numbers?" You asked.

"We don't know, but Yuma and Shark are out looking for them," Tori replied.

"But if they're in a physical form they have no chance," you quickly got out of the nurses bed. Bad choice, you stood up too quickly. You quickly gripped the bed frame.

"Careful! You got hit pretty hard," Cathy said.

"I'm okay, I need to get to Yuma, Astral and Shark," you said as you steadied yourself. You stepped forward and suddenly a chill ran down your spine... "The numbers never left the school."

Without thinking you ran out of the nurses office. You could feel their energy... where was it?

You closed your eyes focusing...

"The gym," you muttered.

"Y/n! Wait!" Tori exclaimed as she grabbed your wrist.

"No. No. No. Tori you don't get it. I need to get those numbers. They're dangerous! And they will...-!" You flinched as it felt like someone drilled a knife through your brain. You fell to your knees holding your head.

"It's clear you need more rest! Yuma, Astral and Shark can handle this!" Tori exclaimed as she kneeled down next to you.

"No! No they can't! Not in the numbers current form," you said as you pushed yourself up once more. You stepped away from Tori.

"What are you going to fight with? You have nothing! You'll get yourself killed!" Tori yelled.

As if on cue a black katana formed in your hands.

That was new... but it certainly wasn't you doing this.

Then you could feel his energy...


"I'll be okay," you smiled at Tori. Tori looked skeptical, "get Yuma, Astral and Shark."

With that you turned and began to run towards the gym.

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