Chapter two

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Kimberly's POV

The bell rang and we exited the room and began walking to our next class. Josh gave me his hoodie, since my shirt had a big pink stain on the front. We entered math class and sat in our seats. The room was cold. I snuggled into the too-big hoodie and breathed in the smell of Josh. I closed my eyes and thought of him. I smiled and remembered him kissing my cheek.

"Kimberly Smith!" I heard my teacher yell. I opened my eyes in shock and sat up in my seat. Staci sighed heavily. I balled up my fists and breathed in to stop myself from turning around and yelling at Staci. That ho hates me for no reason.

The class crawled by. Finally, the bell rang. Josh and I walked to english class. There was a sub, so we just sat around and talked.

"So, Kim, What are you doing this weekend?" Josh asked.

"I don't know, probably nothing."

"Wanna, maybe hang out?" He asked with a smile.

"Sure," I responded.

Josh's POV

The class went fast. I reluctantly said good-bye to Kimberly and we went our seperate ways. My next class was french. I sat next to Keely, only because it was my assigned seat. She looked over at me and gave me a small wink. I looked forward in my seat and waited for the bell to ring. Keely's boyfriend strolled in three minutes after class started, reeking of cigarette smoke. He sat in his seat, slouching down with his arms folded in front of him. The teacher looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"Alright, class. Today, we're doing a worksheet. Work in partners if you'd like."

The class moved around, walking to their partners. Keely looked at me and smiled. I sighed.

"Fine, let's get this over with," I said.

She smiled. "Awesome."

The class soon was over. I walked to my locker and got out what I needed.

Kimberly's POV

I walked up to Josh and gave him a hug. My heart beat faster as he hugged me back. "Hey, Kimberly," He said, flipping his gorgeous black hair out of his eyes. He gave me a perfect smile. I bit my lip and looked down to hide a blush. "Do you wanna come over later today? We need to study for that science test coming up," Josh asked.

"Of course," I said, smiling.

"Great. Ready to go to class?" Josh asked, looking into my eyes. I began to get lost in his but glanced away and nodded. He checked the clock. "Oh! We gotta go," He said. He grabbed my hand and walked faster.

Butterflies were fluttering in my stomach as I looked at our hands. We made it inside the history classroom just in time. He smiled at me and sat down. I sat in the seat next to him. Staci whispered something to Keely. They both looked at me and giggled.

History class seemed to drag on forever. Finally the bell rang. I walked with Josh to photography class. Keely and Jonathan walked in the door, hand-in-hand. Jonathan nodded at me and gave me a wink. I rolled my eyes at him.

Staci walked over to Justin and sat on his lap, playing with his hair. I awkwardly sat at the table with Josh.

He looked at me. "So-"

Bryson walked up to our table and sat down in the empty seat next to me. "Hey, babe."

My jaw clenched and I glared at him. "Bryson, go away," I told him.

He smiled and scooted closer. Josh looked at him and annoyingly looked away.

"On one condition, beautiful," He said, caressing his finger on my cheek.

I swatted at his hand. "What?" I asked, frustrated.

"You go on a date with me," He tapped my nose.

"Why on earth would I want to go on a date" I asked, my nose scrunching up in disgust.

"I see that want in your eyes. I know you like me," He said with a wink.

"Gross! The 'want' in my eyes? Thats the wanting for you to go away," I said, glaring.

"Well, then agree to one date of annoyance. Then I'll leave you alone,'' He looked at me with a smile.

"Fine, okay? I'll ruin a perfectly good day to waste time with you," I rolled my eyes. Bryson winked and walked away.

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