2) Blood is the new black

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"Toby I'm gonna be late" Ava said grabbing her bag. "Toby" Ava said again.

Suddenly her phone beeped indicating she got a message. Ava quickly took out her phone and looked at the message.

"Did you miss me my sweet Avs you know you can't get rid of me that easily oh and you didn't think Jason was your only family did you - A" the message said.

"Oh my god" Ava said after seeing who she was related to.

Toby eventually walked in the room and saw Ava's facial expression. "Ava you okay" Toby asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" Ava said snapping out of it and quickly putting her phone away. "Ready to go" Toby asked. "Yeah, let's go" Ava said and they left.


"The author goes to great lengths to establish Hedda Gabler as a strong proud woman someone who could never live with the threat of being blackmailed but Hedda was pushed to take a desperate action and while she may have seen it as brave, we see it as tragic what might really be tragic is if some of you don't start taking some notes" Ella said and everyone started taking notes.

"Sorry senior year is not all about skipping classes and dancing for the security cameras at Walmart that's what your weekends are for you might also want to research some of his other plays and see how they were received at that time" Ella said and Ava noticed Emily stand up as she looked at her worriedly.

"Emily is everything alright" Ella asked her. "Can I be excused" Emily asked and quickly left.

Ava, Aria, and Spencer followed her. "Emily" Hanna said seeing her rush off. "What's going on" Hanna asked.

"We don't know just come on" Aria said and Hanna followed them to the bathroom. "Em what's the matter" Aria asked.

"You can talk to us we're your friends" Ava said and Emily shown them the necklace.

"What is that" Hanna asked. "Are those teeth" Aria asked. "Please just get rid of it" Emily said.

"Ugh teeth jewelry gross I may be sick" Ava said. "Are they Alison's" Aria asked. "My god I can't breathe" Emily said.

"It wasn't enough to steal her bones now we're gonna get pieces of her delivered to us" Aria said.

"Guys these probably aren't even human" Spencer said. "They're totally human" Hanna said. "How do you know" Spencer asked.

"Because I worked at a dentist's office Spencer" Hanna said.  "For two days answering phones" Spencer said.

"Yeah, and there were teeth everywhere even the freaking bathroom key was shaped like a cuspid" Hanna said and they all heard a girl's voice in the hall.

"Bathroom stall now quickly" Ava said and they all went to a bathroom stall together and closed the door.

"Guys real or not this A is working overtime to frame us first the call to Emily from Spencer's phone and then the cemetery photo and now" Aria said.

"It's all my fault" Emily said. "Em stop" Hanna said. "Don't say that Em" Ava said. "No, that whole night is like a black hole I still can't figure out how I got to Ali's grave" Emily said.

"And we'll figure it out don't blame yourself" Ava said. "We need to give this to the police" Aria said showing the necklace.

"We can't we already lied to them about the Lake House" Spencer said.

"Yeah, that was a huge mistake we keep digging ourselves in deeper burning those photos was one thing these are teeth okay we should at least tell our parents" Aria said.

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