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*before 30 minutes from the call*

•Han's focus•

han jinsung is one the best party planners in the company where he plans children's birthdays most of the time.

he got a call yesterday from a client and the call was about planning the client's younger brother who had thought of him as a little kid and was very excited to interact with him.

this morning he came to his office early and greeted his co-workers, he walked to his desk and worked on his upcoming events he'll do in the future and note them down as an appointment.

just after 10 minutes of sitting on his desk, he got a call from the receptionist telling him to go down to the lobby to meet the client for lee Felix's birthday party.

he grabbed his things and then took the elevator and clicked on the number "1" bottom for the elevator to automatically close doors and start going down.

the "ding" sound was heard after reaching the lobby so han walk out and went towards the receptionist office.

han(to the receptionist):"hi...where is the..."

just before han complete his sentence the receptionist pointed behind him so he turned around to spot whom she was pointing at.

it was a man with brown hair in a suit and a long thin grey coat who was on his phone that Han assumed that he was playing something on it.

Han let out a little chuckle finding the man focusing on his game was very cute... He then walked to that man to approach him.

Han: "excuse me? are you the client from Felix's birthday party?"

•author focus•

Minho's eyes left the phone screen and traveled to the sight of the man in front of him.

his eyes widen a little bit getting new feelings at this very moment and the problem that he doesn't know what kind of feelings that walk pass through him.

Minho admired the man's doe eyes, thin lips and chubby cheeks while Han was speaking but Minho didn't catch that.


Han(repeat):"my name is Han Jinsung *gives business card* I would like to hear some information about lee felix"

Minho(stutter):"ohh...yes...uhm actually...I'm here as your boyfrie- I mean your driver I will lead you to my heart- I mean the real client's place" (✨*cough cough* gAy pAniC~✨)

Han laughed at Minho stutter finding him very funny, they never met before and this was their first time meeting each other and here is Minho trying to flirt with Han.

Han: "okay boyfriend, lead the way to your heart I'm ready for that"

Minho got shocked on Han's Straightforwardness and felt embarrassed because he let himself say those such things in front of Han with no constant of his mouth or brain.

Minho: "sorry about that, it slept from my mouth because you were such-"

Minho stopped there and looked at Han's face expression that shows the curiosity.

Minho's behavior attracted Han.

Han: such what? such what? come on say it... don't make me wait.

Minho: Mr.han I'm afraid that we are gonna be late for your appointments with your client so let's leave right now.

The mafia starts walking away from Han who was running after him still on his fuss about knowing how minho sees him.

Eventually, both rode the car when minho in the driver seat while Han was on the back seat crossing his arms frowning his face.

Han:"can I at least know your name? you don't have to tell me that you find me cute"

minho sighed and looked at han through the rear view mirror and witnessed his cute chubby cheeks creating a frowny face.

minho smiled at his cuteness and decided to answer him.

Minho:"I'm lee know"

it was a name given by bangchan and as a nickname to do his mafia related missions.

Upon hearing his name, Han felt happy and got mixed feelings of excitement and curiosity and would love to know minho more.

Han:"can we be friends lee know?"

Minho doesn't know why he felt bad with giving Han a false name and he thought of his friendship request but he couldn't do it.

Minho:"sorry, but my job isn't friending you, besides it would be better if you stayed away from me"

Han didn't know what minho meant by saying that but it made him get sad on the rejection he received from minho.

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