Houses I Ship & Why

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Gryffyndor x Ravenclaw

Stereotypically, Gryffindor has this "Don't think, just do" personality. If you look at Ravenclaw, they have this "Always think everything through before you do it" personality. When these are combined, Ravenclaw would talk sense into Gryffindor's ideas.
Realistically, Gryffindor being more bold and Ravenclaw being more reserved, their contrasting personalities could bring out different sides of eachother.

Slytherin X Hufflepuff

Stereotypically, Slytherin is evil and Hufflepuff is the sweetest person you will ever meet. These contrasting personalities create a perfect pair because they would bring out different sides of eachother.
Realistically, Slytherin's competitive spirit and Hufflepuff's uncompetitive nature, they balance eachother out; creating a inseparable pair.

@ hp-headcanons-and-stuff on tumblr

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