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"You're off the case"

Those were the first words the androids' auditory sensors picked up as soon as they opened their eyes, back into the real world.

Connor's processing system seemed to freeze momentarily, a wave of a hard sensation crashing hard on his thirium pump.

Their last change hadn't even started and they already failed.

"The FBI is taking over" Captain Fowler told Hank.

The three of them were standing in front of the man on his office.

Connor and Cora couldn't help but keep their eyes on Hank, an unusual yet familiar sensation pumping through their thirium wired veins.

If Hank was off the case, what did that mean for them?

They doubted the FBI would be comfortable with a pair of androids with everything happening.

There was utter disbelief and slight anger in Hank's face as he processed what he was being told, "What? But we're onto something!" his words were slightly frantic and briefly, the androids were taken back about his desperation to keep going with the case, a case he hadn't want anything to do with at the beginning of this all, when he met the prototype androids. "We... We just need more time. I'm sure we can-"

Fowler raised his hands, cutting off Bank before he could continue, "Hank, you don't get it. This isn't just another investigation, it's a fucking civil war! It's out of our hands now... " his tone showed he was already fed up with the Lieutenant. Again no surprise there. Humans could be predictable sometimes, "We're talking about national security here"

It would seem the men were already getting agitated with each other, the only ones calm in the room, yet not for a lack of trying to hold back the sudden slant of emotion they could feel were the androids who were watching the discussion between the humans as if it was a tenis match.

"Fuck that!" the Lieutenant snapped, a harsh glare forming as he stared down at his boss, "You can't just pull the plug now. Not when we're so close!"

Fowler gave him a look, one that said he wasn't totally pleased with Hank's behavior, scoffing incredulously at his words, "You're always saying you can't stand androids!" he snapped, gesturing a hand towards where the androids stood, unmoving. Maybe if they didn't move they wouldn't be seen? "Jesus, Hank, make up your mind! I thought you'd be happy about this!"

"We're about to crack the case!" there was a bit of desperation and determination in the way Hank leaned forward on the captain's desk, "I know we can solve it! For God's sake, Jeffrey, can't you back me up this one time?"

There was a moment where Fowler seemed to be considering Hank's words, noticing how since the androids had come to the picture Hank had actually bothered to come in time for work, making a progress. He seemed less... Depressed and angry to the world.

Yet, he knew he couldn't do anything about it, even if he wanted to.

Fowler sighed, lowering his head and shaking it a bit, looking up to Hank, this time looking apologetic and remorseful, "There's nothing I can do. You're back on homicide and the androids return to CyberLife" those words caught the RKs' attention, thirium pump speeding up in a alarm. They knew it. Yet, they didn't like it. "I'm sorry, Hank, but it's over"

There was a moment of silence before Hank stormed over, Connor and Cora giving the captain who looked more tired than usual one parting look, not wanting to bother him with any words.

They left the office, seeing Hank sitting at his desk, exchanging a look as an objective appeared in their HUDs.


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