
312 12 0

NOV 5TH, 2038

PM 11:21:19

PM 11:21:20

Jimmy's Bar

It was the first time they were in the same room.

Cora and Connor had both received a report from Cyberlife about an Android case.

Immediately, the prototypes had gotten in action, following their primary directives, find each other and then Lieutenant Anderson.

The moment the Androids were in front of each other was when they scanned their appearances and saved them to their database, finally an image for the 'partner - trusted' file.

"Connor" Cora greeted, fixing the lapels of her blazer, both Androids standing side by side.

"Cora" Connor tilted his head aside with a slight pull of his lips, fixing his tie. "We finally meet"

"It is a pleasure" Cora added, half smiling.



Their social breach with each other was positive.

And so they made their way to find the Lieutenant Anderson, first at the station and after getting more information about him, the Androids set out to find him in bars.

This was the fifth bar.

However, there was a bit of a problem as they arrived the location.

It held a 'No Androids' sign.

Their LED's turned yellow.




LED back to blue, Connor opened the door, stepping back, letting its partner in first.

Cora simply nodded once in acknowledgement, LED flickering at the sudden attention they both got.

Scanning their names for certain Lieutenant, they heard several comments to their presence.

They ignored them as they were irrelevant to their investigation.

Connor nudged it's partner, a quirk of humanity programmed in him, just as the way the other android looked up at it with a slight hum.

Quirks Cyberlife pre-established on them to become the perfect partners, their adaptability to humans program working flawlessly.

Connor nodded toward a man in the counter, having already scanne, finding the Lieutenant.

Cora scanned him on its own.

Find LT. Anderson

Mission Completed.

Fixing their appearance again, both Androids made their way to the man who at noticing their approach through the corner of his eye, he simply ignored them.

"Lieutenant Anderson?" Cora was the one to greet, it's sweet and professional voice catching the Lieutenant off guard momentarily, "My name is Cora and this is Connor. We are the Androids sent by Cyberlife"

The Lieutenant looked at them, simply sipping his drink.

"We looked for you at the station but nobody knew where you were" Connor continued, his voice smooth and professional as well. "They said you were probably having a drink nearby. We were lucky to find you at the fifth bar"

The Lieutenant sighed, looking at them annoyed, turning toward the bar. "What do you want?"

In sync, both Cora and Connor exchanged a look with pre-established lift of their eyebrows. LED's cycling blue once.

"You were assigned a case early this evening" Connor answered, both Androids looking expectant at the Lieutenant. Not a response. "A homicide, involving a CyberLife android"

"In accordance with procedure, the company has allocated two specialized models to assist investigators" Cora continued.

The Lieutenant scoffed, "Well, I don’t need any assistance. Specially not from two plastic assholes like you. So just be a good lil' robots and get the fuck outta here"

Time to use their skills.

"Listen, I think you should stop drinking and come with us" Connor told him. "It'll make life easier for all of us"

The Lieutenant remained sitting, unmoving.

Cora took a step forward, voice lowering softly, in understanding "We understand that some people are not comfortable in the presence of androids but we are-"

"I am perfectly comfortable" The Lieutenant grumbled, rolling his eyes, waving the Android dismissively "Now back off, before I crush you like an empty beer can!"

Cora stepped back, looking toward Connor.

Connor's lips were slightly pursed.

The Lieutenant saw Connor first before it leaned forward.


"I'm sorry, Lieutenant, but we must insist" Connor told him. "Our instructions stipulate that we have to accompany you"

Behind Connor, Hank noticed Cora nod slightly as if in agreement.

Hank scoffed, sarcastically. "You know where you can stick your instructions?"

Connor's LED cycled, trying to find an answer, "No..." it glanced behind itself toward Cora as if it had an answer for that. Cora's eyebrows furrowed slightly. Connor looked back at Hank, "Where?"

Hank looked amused but also grumpy these Androids were interrupting his night, "Never mind"

They had to convince the Lieutenant somehow.

Cora scanned his person to see if it could find some common ground, straightening when it found a solution, 87% probability the Lieutenant would follow them. 

"You know what?" Cora stepped forward, standing next to Connor, head tilting aside "I'll buy you one for the road, what do you say?" from its jacket, it pulled out two bills. Connor's LED cycled once. Cora put it on the bar, glancing up at the bartender with a small smile, "Bartender, the same again, please!"


The Lieutenant looked pleased and a little surprised a tin can had physical money on them, instead of digital money, "See that, Jim?" he looked at the bartender, "Wonders of technology…Make it a double" the drink was quickly placed in front of him. Connor smiled a little at the success, for some reason it didn't... Bother it it's partner convinced the Lieutenant. Made its mission easier. Hank downed his drink in one gulp, looking between the prototypes. "Did you say homicide?"

Connor and Cora looked at each other, smiling - well, Connor lifting slightly the corner of its lips and Cora giving a half smile, - at their success.

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