
312 13 6

NOV 6TH, 2038

AM 12:41:04

AM 12:41:05

Detroit Police Department

Observation Room

The only sound was from the Lieutenant questioning the silent Deviant.

"Why d'you kill him?" Hank questioned, his voice being heard clearly despite of being in the other room. The Deviant remained silent, handcuffed at the table. Connor and Cora stood in the observation room alongside a police detective they scanned immediately as Reed, Gavin when they entered the room. "What happened before you took that knife?" The Androids were watching calmly while Hank faced the defective Android as he was more curious about them than he let on. Currently, the deviant wasn't any closer to confess. Hank looked toward the one way mirror briefly with a bit of a look before continuing the interrogation. "How long were ya in the attic?" the question didn't even make the deviant raise its head, still remaining utterly silent. Hank leaned forward, and despite his annoyance, his next question had a tinge of curiosity. "Why didn't you even try to run away?" Silence. Hank waved a hand in front of its face, clearly becoming aggravated at its silence, flickering his fingers in front of its face, not getting any sort of reaction, leaning back, sending to the one way mirror an annoyed look before slamming his hands on the table "Say something, goddamnit!" he waited momentarily to see if his violence would be threatening enough. It wasn't. With another aggravated sigh, he stood, "Fuck it, I'm outta here"

Hank walked out, almost slamming the interrogation door shut.

Cora's eyes remained in the deviant, still processing their interaction in the attic.

Why did it try to convince it to not say anything, to go against its programming?

Cora hadn't really shared with Connor that bit of information. It didn't know why, considering they were partners and they had to trust each other. Cora wasn't certain yet. It couldn't share when the information was inconclusive right?

It didn't know why the Deviant behaved that way and so without an actual deduction from Cora, it couldn't send the information to Connor either. 

It's musings were interrupted by Detective Reed, causing a brief whirl of yellow in its LED, blinking slightly to focus.

Connor, at its side sent Cora a questionable look, glancing at the now blue LED on its partner.

Cora wasn't receptive of the glance, confused itself about the trail of thought it wasn't supposed to have.

"'Could always try roughing it up a little" Reed spoke, dismissively "After all, it's not human"

Ah, correcting humans. What a way to focus back on the investigation, "Androids don't feel pain" Cora politely said to the detective. "You would only damage it and that wouldn't make it talk"

Reed sent its way a scowl to which Connor began to talk, getting the detective's attention to itself instead of its partner.

"Deviants also have a tendency to self-destruct when they're in stressful situations" Connor said.

^Software instability

It's partner had dealt before with humans petty tempers for sure, why did Connor had to redirect their spiteful glares from its way to itself?

Cora had also blinked slightly as if surprised, a small arrow with both, Connor's status breach and the rare software instability label appeared in a text box just in the corner of Cora's eye.

Chasing Deviancy [Detroit: Become Human]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant