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Connor and Cora knew the Deviant was still in the warehouse.

They couldn't fail again.

Their scanners were activated as they followed the trail of thirium.

Connor furrowed slightly his eyebrows, noticing it led to a row of deactivated Tracis, scanning through each one of them.


The Deviant wasn't there.

Cora followed through what seemed a dead end as well, arriving to a random stop at the end of the warehouse.

Connor reached Cora's side, both exchanging a questionable look. It was then when Connor's eyes shifted to the side, over Cora's shoulder and through the row of Tracis, spotting a flickering LED right under some dark blue hair.

Before he could warn Cora, a force pushed him forward to crash into his partner making them stumble, Cora catching the sight of another Traci with short brown hair.

Two Deviants.

The two deviants tried to run off.

Connor straightened, pushing away from its partner, running toward the deviants.

Connor tackled the brunette Traci as Cora went to the blue haired Traci, using its distraction for seeing the other deviant going down, locking an arm around the Traci before it could attack Connor, trying to swing her toward the wall but the Traci's long heeled shoe pressed up against a table, pushing back. Cora reacted quick though, keeping a firm grasp on the Deviant as she swung it backwards, right over a small crate, causing the blue haired Traci to tumble off it onto the floor.

Cora swung both of her legs over to slid over the crate swiftly, spotting Connor fighting off the other Deviant, struggling against it holding a screwdriver.

LED suddenly swirling red, Cora began running to Connor and the Deviant before her leg was tugged hard, causing her to hit the floor with a thud, rolling onto her back as the Traci went to her, both wrestling helplessly until the deviant managed to get on top of Cora, her heels clicking against the ground.

The blue haired Traci swung her fist down to try and hit Cora but she was lucky enough to catch its fist before it could make contact with her face.

The Traci swung her fist down to try and hit Cora again, to which she was luckily able to catch in time before it could actually make contact with her. Another blow was made to her face but Cora anticipated it, swatting it's hand away, LED swirling between yellow and red constantly.

Cora bent her knees at the same time the Traci threw another punch and used that as distraction to kick off the deviant off her with her legs, hands gripping both of its fists, pulling down to be able to flip the deviant on its back, immediately letting it go and scrambling to her feet.

Cora's ponytail was getting loose with each violent movement, the deviant standing up and trying to hit Cora again, but Cora anticipated its movements again, catching its wrist, tugging it forward to herself to wrap her free arm around its neck and shove its face down to the crate of earlier but the deviant headbutted her, causing Cora to stumble back, an error of damage flickering through static in her HUD as thirium dripped down her nose.

Cora huffed air, a wave of annoyance hitting her that caused her LED to swirl yellow then back to blue as the Traci grabbed a piece of wood to try and hit Cora with it but Cora ducked out of the way, straightening and lifting her leg to kick the blue haired Traci as hard as she could making her stumble back.

Not thinking further on her actions, Cora gripped onto the metal shelf besides her, pulling it front of her and the Traci but the Traci roughly shoved it aside.

Chasing Deviancy [Detroit: Become Human]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن