Now I see

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Many hours pass by before the door lock is bent up. However, all classes are long over. Zane, Pixal and Scott are banned from school for trespassing, breaking, and entering.

"We were just looking for Milton Dy-" Pixal tried. The school board refuses to listen despite knowing who Pixal is and removes their names from the official class list.

If Scott wasn't fired before, he is now. The three friends are then kicked out, literally.

"Ugh." Pixal grunted. "If my father was here, he'd never allow this."

"How come we are being banned for trying to help stop the Oni War?" Zane inquired. Pixal sets her arms akimbo. "Milton Dyer would assist." She confirmed.

"He must have gone on a hiatus..." Scott lowers his voice. "Because of me."

"Why do things always happen to us?" Pixal mumbled. "Now we cannot even ask our headmaster for advice."

"And on top of that, he did not bother to inform his students he would be absent?" Zane muttered. Suddenly, their phones beep by the sound of a new open message - from Milton Dyer.

"Oh." Pixal reads in her mind. "Now he confirms."

Scott leaves without telling them. Zane and Pixal don't notice until he's on the other side of the street. They watch him disappear behind a building.

Scott is strolling around in the wharfs of Ninjago. He's surrounded by people but has never felt so lost and alone before.

Zane and Pixal trip on the stairs on their way down from the school building. Pixal makes a silly jump to not fall and then grabs Zane around his waist to save him from hitting the ground.

Both catch their breath while sharing a stare of admiration. Zane feels himself blushing, making Pixal pull him away immediately. "My apologies." She said flatly.

"No, no. Do not worry." Zane assured her. "Thank you for saving me."

"It was inevitable." Pixal smiled. "Imagine if Scott would have been here. We all would have fallen and broken at least several circuits." Zane expressed.

Pixal laughs. "Yes. What's that about? Every time we three are near each other, disaster strikes upon us."

Zane snickers. "He is like a misfortune cookie." Pixal added.

"At least he's not Omega." Zane uttered. He and Pixal walk towards a fountain and a crossroad. "True." Pixal beams at Zane. "And for that, I am glad."

Pixal and Zane part with a hug before they go their separate ways. Zane immediately calls his father to tell what happened. Pixal heads home while repeatedly reading the letter.

"So few words. Yet it sounds like someone I know." Pixal sighs. Soon, she finds herself standing in front of the Borg Statue in the public cherry garden. Her feet had automatically taken her here.

Pixal lets out a soft sigh and proceeds to touch the statue - her hand transitions into Zane's hand that opens a door of wood. Although, that door doesn't lead him into his house.

Scott reviews some children playing in a park. One of them is dressed up as The Green Ninja while the other one is supposed to be Master of Fire.

"One Ninja alone can't defeat the enemy."

"We need many Ninja to win. Ninja Go."

Scott's weary eyes turn into a stare with a glimpse of realisation. "Many." He repeated to himself.

Cole pops up in front of Zane. "Seriously, Zane. Are you for real banned??" He shakes Zane dramatically. "And Pix? Dude! She's Pixal Borg; Head of Borg Industries. They should have listened to her."

"I have said that already, Cole." Zane mumbled. They finally sit down on Cole's bed to discuss.

"This is nuts! Milton Dyer has invited you over to his office multiple times."

Cole is no less surprised than he was ten minutes ago when Zane told him. Shiroi lands on Cole's leg and allows herself to be petted.

Samurai X jumps up on a rooftop with a bag of prawn crackers. She then hurries to Borg Tower and makes a somersault into her room. Then, she detransforms, and Jin immediately proceeds to eat.

Everything seems to be in order. But before each storm there is a calm. The scene is panning on Scott's garage in the empty parking lot.

"Now I see. Why haven't I thought of this before?" Scott rushes into his secret room. "It is so obvious."

Aria flies after Scott with The Oni Mask in her extended tail. "What is it, Scott?" She inquired in a genuinely anxious tone.

"Why onify one citizen at a time when I can onify all citizens at once?"

"But..." Aria puts down the mask and flies up in Scott's face. "Wouldn't that mean you'd have to onify Jay and the others?"

Scott looks into Aria's eyes. For a second, they shared a look of guilt.

"And it would take up all strength you have." Aria added. Scott grabs The Oni Mask and transforms.

Aria shudders at the sight of Omega, who performs his spell with a magnitude of much higher power than before. Omega holds on to his stick as if his life depended on it.

"So be it."

The entire room shakes tremendously and for a moment, it seems that Omega fails to perform the spell. Until he decides to support himself with the powers of his Tatsu.

Cut to Cole's house. Zane and Cole run out and head towards an alley not far away. Everywhere, they see people trying to resist their negative emotions.

"Oh my earth." Cole murmured.

Zane feeds Shiroi and transforms in a battle position. He then leaps away from Cole who silently prays for him.

 Secret Identities: A Ninjago FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now