Wu's requiem

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The Titanium Ninja proceeds to hide behind the chimney to detransform. Samurai X stops him.

"Ice cream, wait. Let me know who you are. We'll be more compatible that way." She said. The Titanium Ninja looks down. "I'm sorry, Samurai X, but no one can know. Not even us." He told her.

"I don't care who you are behind your mask." Samurai X pointed out. "I love you, all ways, always."

The Titanium Ninja gives Samurai X a look of guilt and sadness. "You know I can't accept that from you, Xo. We're heroes. We have no choice."

"So, Cole can know your secret identity but not me?"

The Titanium Ninja backs up. "That's right. I heard you two talking. Apparently, The Titanium Ninja doesn't need his Samurai anymore when there's another prawn cracker in the bowl."

"I certainly don't need a Samurai eavesdropping on me. It was a miracle we weren't discussing our civilian lives."

Lloyd walks into Wu's meditation room. "Master Wu? Why are you playing that horrid song? And why are you binge drinking tea?" He questioned.

Wu is resting on a royal sofa listening to sad jazz music.

"I feel," Wu mumbled. "I mean, I think I'm starting to feel my age."

Lloyd dramatically gasps and puts hands on his mouth. Then, he bursts out in laughter. "My uncle feeling old? Good one."

Wu stands up and throws a cup to the floor. "It's not amusing, Lloyd." He muttered. "Sorry, sorry, it's just that. Since when have you cared about your age? You're over a thousand years old."

Wu is scowling. He turns away from Lloyd and crosses his arms. Lloyd stops laughing and puts a comforting hand on Wu's shoulder. "This is about something else, isn't it?" He asked.

Wu sighs. "You're correct, my dear nephew, student and friend. Something else is bothering me. Something big, I might add." He admitted.

"What is it?" Lloyd wondered.

"When you and your classmates joined The Titanium Ninja and Samurai X in the fight against Omega at Borg Tower, it hit me. I had put a bunch of teenagers in danger - Omega knows your identities and your Tatsu Dragons are unstable."

"Master Wu. You're in a funk. You know you had no choice." Lloyd assured. "Besides, we are destined to be Ninja."

"I know you are, and I know you'll do wonders." Wu turns to Lloyd with a weary look in his eyes. "I am of no use. You don't need me." He added. Pause.

"I need you." Lloyd finally said. He turns around and leaves the room in silence.

Samurai X and The Titanium Ninja are patrolling in silence. No word whatsoever. "I wonder if Omega plans on onifying someone today." Samurai X said, attempting to get a new conversation going.

They leap up on a rooftop to get a better view at the park.

"Hope not." The Titanium Ninja muttered. "Wouldn't want to ruin our dynamic with the bad vibe you've brought to the other ninja."

"Me?? I'm the one who's left behind. If that's not bad vibes, I don't know what is."

They turn to each other aggressively. "Why are you making this weird?" The Titanium Ninja sets his arms akimbo. "You know I'm selective about information merely to protect you."

"I do not require protection. Omega has nothing on us. It's you that make this weird."

"This conversation is concluded, Xo. How are we supposed to defeat Omega with all this tiffing?"

"Pfft. I don't know. Figure something out. That's what you do."

The Titanium Ninja scoffs at Samurai X's statement. "I cannot believe you're being this difficult. At least Master of Earth listens. Mayhaps, Master Wu should have chosen him as Samurai X instead of you."

Samurai X loosens up. "Mayhaps he should have."

There is an awkward silence between the two of them. Until Samurai X decides to roll. She makes a short bow and runs past The Titanium Ninja without a word.

Cut to Lloyd looking for Master Wu again. It's been a few hours and he hasn't seen his uncle since the talk in their apartment.

Lloyd eventually finds Wu in The Monastery performing some weird spell. "Master Wu!" Lloyd cried out. "What are you doing??"

Lloyd runs up to Wu, who's spinning his stick. "Attempting to forget what I wish I could erase."

Lloyd grabs Wu's stick and pulls it. Therefore, the spell breaks. Wu pulls too and soon they're having a tug of war with Wu's stick.

"Let go." Wu urged Lloyd. "I can't let you hurt yourself." Lloyd countered. Wu scoffs. "It is not painful to erase memories, Lloyd. I have done this multiple times before."

"Well then, maybe now is as good a time as any to stop and accept your past mistakes? The future is what matters." Lloyd enthused.

Suddenly, the stick is split in two, making Lloyd and Wu fly away from each other and hit each wall.

"Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon." Wu complained. He stands up in sync with Lloyd. "What is your problem?"

Lloyd thinks. "I don't know what you're trying to forget, but a wise Master once told me," He began. "... That time is irrelevant, except for when you spend time to build a better future."

In the city, the wind blows slowly and harmonic. The Titanium Ninja sits down beside Samurai X.

"So, about earlier. That got a bit awkward." The Titanium Ninja said. He nervously chuckles. Samurai X scoffs. "Which part?" She muttered.

The Titanium Ninja looks out at the beautiful sunset. Finally, he speaks again. "Just because I don't need you all the time doesn't mean I don't need you at all, Xo."

Samurai X turns her head to the ninja. "Really?" She questioned.

"Super really." The Titanium Ninja assured her. "You're irreplaceable and no Ninja will ever change that."

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