Wherever I Go, It's All The Same

Start from the beginning

He tied off a bag with some materials that he really didn't want to use if this didn't work. They're a fucking pain to find, but if it does work, it was well worth it.

Grabbing his knife, he digged into his hand, allowing it to bleed onto the bag, and chanted some rehearsed lines.

A light show of purple surrounded his mixture and wrapped around him. And while that seemed promising, the only way to truly know is by testing it.

With that, he quickly started packing away items, he could test it here, but he didn't want to accidentally lose anything important.

His axe went into two separate pieces again as he said the practiced line that takes away their strong hold. Packing it carefully back where it was.

Sealing away any herbs or other magical properties he used and needs, especially the rare ones.

Once all was said and gone. He patted the stump, and the tree he chopped down, whispering it well words, allowing both to start an early decay and life cycle. He may not be able to unchop the tree, but at least he could speed up the process of a new life there.

He needed the forgiveness of the trees if he was going to test his spellwork. He just needed a tree big enough first.

So, he followed the pattern in the trees, looking for the older, taller ones, rather than the youth. They were easier to cut down, but he needed it to remain standing.

Sam walked as far as his legs were willing to carry him, forcing him to take a break. He sat against a rock, while he was used to checking it over for danger, if anything deadly striked him, it saved him a climbing trip.

However, he wasn't granted that mercy. Although, most would believe that in itself, being safe is a mercy, but with Sam, it was simply a curse.

He sat and drank a little bit of water, trying to regain the strength to keep walking a bit longer. He still had a tree to climb, so probably not too far.

It gave time for him to think, which was never a good thing anymore. It's how he ended up on this mission to begin with.

But there he was, thinking about the irony of it all. He wanted to escape away from Lucifer, and so far, the only way to do so, is to be stuck with him in Sam's mind.

At the very least, this way, the only one who gets hurt is Sam, and not anyone he cares about. And while Lucifer can taunt and try to trick him out of his autonomy, he can't physically hurt him. He can't lay destruction onto the world. And that's enough for Sam to keep going with his insane plan.

It only makes sense though, Sam thought, he's always ran to angelic and godly presences. Whether it was a holy ground, a scripture, sculpture, even a painting of anything holy, Sam was drawn in.

And while Lucifer is a fallen angel, he's still an angel. The one angel he'd love to avoid and have no part with is the one he's the most connected with.

Because God has a sense of humor that always bites Sam in the ass. It's cruel and ironic, Sam hates it.

The actual angels that he'd be okay with on a different basis, are the ones who either want him dead, are hunting him, or want him to give into the devil.

All of them tired of waiting on a Father that doesn't care. That abandoned them long ago.

He tried to avoid dwelling on any of this, the fact that he's a dead man walking. Even if that's a difficult thing to accomplish.

That he is running from what he prayed to for so long and still somehow in a sick and twisted way, has faith in.

That he's running straight to the Devil himself and that his existence is technically for the Devil.

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