Study Session with Xuanyi

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November 2013

The weather was changing now. What used to be hot and humid, was now turning cold suddenly. It was now autumn and Eric Chou was wrapping up his final semester in highschool.

The boys were anticipating his graduation and his parents were expected to visit their son in person. Tzuyu, who has lived in Korea as a JYP trainee is also excited about her older cousin's graduation. She even thought about inviting a few trainee friends. But none was more excited about it than Cheng Xiao who beamed in excitement that she was thinking of what banner to put for his graduation.

Things were really looking for the Taiwanese maknae. He was now eighteen years and already made a few friends this year including Teen Top's Ricky and Changjo, and Apink's Namjoo.

Perhaps the most important friend he has made was Yuehua trainee: Wu Xuanyi. She was beautiful, charming, caring, funny, smart, and angelic. Just like Chou himself she was Chinese. Due to that their bond grew into a deeper level he's had with any student at school. There was something about her that captivated Eric. He couldn't put his finger, but he felt himself drawn to her. Of course when mentioning it Tao and Alex teased him to no end.

Together they stood at the rooftop. It was rather windy today so both wrapped themselves with their own scarfs to keep themselves warm. Xuanyi was dressed in her usual yellow blazer and skirt, but this time she wore brown fur boots and earmuffs.

"It's a little cold today Hsingche." Xuanyi smiled at the skyline.

There was something about that beauty that Eric couldn't describe. It was like he was staring at a pristine artwork in human form. Everything about her was perfect. Eric smiled in amusement.

"It is jiejie. I almost miss this type of weather. Not that I don't mind Summer but I think we're past that season for heat." Eric said in relief.

"No need to call me jiejie! You make me sound old!" Xuanyi cringed.

"You're months older than me. It's only fair I call you by your suffix?" Eric asked surprised.

"I'm not that type of girl that worries about stuff like that. We're around the same age just call me Xuanyi." She said with a giggle.

"So, what plans do you have after graduating Xuanyi?" Asked Eric.

The girl just hummed in thought."To be quite honest with you. I haven't thought about it much. I mean I still want continue my studies but I don't know what degree to choose for. I might have to go to a foreign school in that case." Xuanyi admitted.

She then asked a question, "What about you Hsingche? With your idol status already I don't think you need to go to a university. It'll be chaotic since you'll be traveling here and China constantly. It was kinda messy already this year." Xuanyi laughed.

"It was a miracle I passed last semester. I never got to thank you for it."

"Oh it's no problem! I was kinda struggling too, but you're like really smart!"

"I don't know about that. I think I do study so I don't fail. My parents were very strict with me when it comes to grades. They wouldn't be happy if they saw me slacking off." Eric laughed nervously.

"I can relate! While were still on that topic. I was thinking if you would like to study after school... I mean you're not obligated or anything!! I sort of... Need help with some things..." She fidgeted her fingers shyly.

A million different scenarios started running in his head. "This almost sounds like a date? Is this what she means? No, it's clear she needs help. But it almost sounds like date!! I'm not ready for a date!" Eric mentally panicked.

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