Chapter 54 {I found you and you found me. We'll help each other}

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09/07 Silverstone

That was the first Grand Prix Christiana was attending and Leah was so excited, she decided sit on Mercedes Motorhome alone with her daughter

"Leah" That was George standing opposite her, Leah looked at him from playing with Christiana

"What do you want George?" Leah was completely mad and she didn't want talk to him, especially since the incident with Lewis a few month ago

"I wanted to watch her" George was looking at Christiana

"Can you go the fuck away or I'll call Lewis" Leah sighed "I want to breastfeed her"

"Will I watch something I have never seen before?" George asked trying to sit opposite her but someone grabbed him from the back of his T-Shirt

"She said ho the fuck away" That was Lewis and he pushed him away "Hello love" The world champion kissed his girlfriend

"Hey" Leah said looking at George

"I think she told you that she want to breastfeed our daughter" Lewis sat next to her and placed his arm around her shoulders

"This won't end good Hamilton! I will take you to court" George's tone was completely ironic

"You have no right to this child Russell! Leah and I have signed a cohabitation agreement so I could be the father of Christiana and by law!" Lewis said smiling "Go the fuck away because MY daughter needs to eat"

"Okay fine" George walked away madly, Leah turned at Lewis

"Thank you for that" She had tears in her eyes "Can he take her away?"

"I'm not a lawyer babe but I think that as long as I'm her father by law he can't do anything" Lewis was stroking her cheek "I love you and that baby girl and I won't let anything happen to you"

"I love you too Lewis" Leah gave him a kiss "I'll breastfeed her"

"Do you need a blanket?" Lewis asked grabbing the blanket from the stroller but Leah stopped him

"I told that to him so he'll leave I have no problem" Leah started breastfeeding Christiana not caring that she was inside the Motorhome with a lot of people around

"The race starts, will you come when we will hear the National Anthem?" Lewis asked pointing at Christiana

"She will cry if I'll stop the breastfeeding" Leah looked at her daughter and then at Lewis "When it starts?" He looked at his phone

"10 minutes" Lewis said and he stood up

"Wait 5" Leah said smiling

Leah ended the breastfeeding in five minutes and then she walked with Lewis for the National Anthem

"Babe I am going stay here" Lewis said and he walked away

"Here I am!" Kelly came next to Leah "Hello baby girl!" She said playing with Christiana's finger "Will you come to aunt Kelly!"

"Take her please" Leah gave Christiana to Kelly

"I missed that smell" Kelly smelt Christiana "I need a baby"

The National Anthem started, Lewis with George and Lando were close to the band because they are the only British drivers of the grid as it ended the whole drivers walked away except Lewis that he was standing on the carpet where he heard the National Anthem

"What is he doing?" Leah asked confused herself, someone gave Lewis a microphone

"Leah my dear can you come?" Lewis asked with Leah looking at Kelly that she placed her hand on her waist pushing her gently to walk there as she did

"What is going on?" Leah asked nervously and try to hide her face because she was feeling embarrassed

"I love you so much and our daughter is my biggest success of my life... I want you forever with me" Lewis knelt with Leah hiding even more her face, he took from his pocket a small box "Leah Horner will you marry me?"

The whole crowd cheered screaming "yes"

"Of course" Leah said laughing but feeling unsafe with so many people around "Lewis please I can't it's too much for me! There are a lot of people"

"Okay I'm sorry but here you are" Lewis placed the ring on her finger "I'm sorry for doing that with so many people" Leah moved away her hands from her face and she had tears in her eyes

"I love you" Leah kissed him and whole crowd cheered


"Where is it?" Kelly asked with Leah showing her the ring "It's absolutely amazing" She was completely in shock

Max with Daniel came there walking like children and jumping once from the one side and then from the other side

"Why am I in relationship with him?" Kelly asked laughing

"Bestie" Max and Daniel said with a female voice "Where is your ring?" Leah show them the ring laughing "Wow" They both said with the same voice

"Walk the fuck away you are driving" Leah said laughing to Max

"Bye bestie" Max said and he walked away

"I am so happy!" Daniel gave her a hug

"Me too but I think we should go away because the race will start" Leah said and they all walked away

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