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Uzi pov

*Much later in the pilot*

"One more buzz word and I will do it!"

S.D.B. pov

Today is oddly quiet and as much as I like the peaceful nature it is too quiet. Something is bound to go wrong... I should probably check on the other two-


A notification?

"What was that?"

"A urgent notification..."

W questioned "Urgent? What did the company send like some update or something?"

"Can you read it out!" X peaked into the room, overhearing the conversation

"Yes, yes hold on."

X and W both crowded toward my screen clearly curious about what the notification was about. The only times we get notified is when something important happens, so for this notification to be 'urgent' has to be extremely important.

"Come on read it!" W was getting impatient and was tugging on my armband

"All right all right calm down, let me open-"

'Serial Destination J has been disassembled'


We all stood in silence.

"YAYYYY WE DID IT" X immediately jumped up and threw confetti 🎊 (I have no idea where that came from btw)

"we did it?"

"Nuh uh we didn't." I objected, it just happened so obviously it wasn't us.

"Thought so, but when I was exploring their pod I saw a worker drone with a edgy railgun! It seems more reasonable if it was her because y'know, rebellious teens."

I went through the picture stack W brought to find the picture of the purple worker, surly enough I found it and inspect it carefully, judging by the visor, choice of clothes, standing form, and gun im guessing she is a young female worker drone who was brave enough to come out and fight. There was another picture of her and Serial Destination N who was in a neutral state. Interesting...

"Ill be excused" i left the room, and prepared myself to go outside.

I need to know what exactly happened, and I'm willing to confront them myself if it means I get answers.

Uzi's pov

After I was done laughing maniacally on top of a car, I when back to the pod where N and V (who was locked up) was.

"Hey Uzi!"

Me and N talked for a while until he brought something up.

"Hey remember that disassembly drone with the camera that was in our pod when we went to fix your hand?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. What about it?"

"You don't think she was here because of what you did to J, right?"

"I don't think so, she was here before I killed her soooo."

Even though I brushed it off, I kept on thinking about it. If she's here that probably means there are two more, and just like how N,V and J were royal to the company they would take order from them and try to take us down. I'm going to do something about this, and it involves my railgun.

I waited for N and V to enter sleep mode. Then snuck outside. I followed the direction the camera disassembly drone went but after walking for a while I realized it would take forever, I walked for 2 hours or so but I didn't give up and kept going 'I'm just going to have to ask N to take me there next time, this is not good for walking distance'. About 20 minutes of walking I heard a noise that resembled the sound of metal whirring.

I quickly hid behind rubble and tried to listen in, but all I could pick up was murmuring. Soon the voices left and I got out of my hiding spot.

I felt the serge of angsty teen and rebellious energy rise up that basically told me to check it out. So I started to walk towards where the voices were. I walked for a while to be met with hills of land covered in snow and a pod inside a crater not too far, I can tell this is not N's pod because the crater is not as big, no corpse spire, and the environment here is much more empty. The closest, colony, abandoned city, frosted forest, or anything is far for walking distance. I felt a bit devious and ran to the pod, I have to be quick before anyone who lives here comes back.

I approached the pods opening and found out it was locked, I looked around for a key or something but I realized this was a trap. A thin string was placed a inch from where I was standing, if I took a step closer I would be screwed. So I breaking a window. I climbed through and accidentally fumbled and tumbled down, knocking over a table and stuff off it in the process. 'Oh, welp, not my problem.'

Safe to assume this is the main area with the big screens and the buttons but noticed that this pod has rooms, I went with the room on the right and opened the door. At first the room looked normal, you know, a sleep pod and tables with stuff on them but the thing that stuck out to be was a large board covered by a black blanket. Curiosity took over, so I pulled off the cover.


I stared at the monstrosity before me, pictures of me and drones I know all pinned and mapped out with red strings. Notes and theories scattered across the board. You know what this is? The sign to GET OUT.

I ran out of the room escaped through the window and collapsed when I finally made it to the forest. Who are these? And what do they want?

S.D.B. P.O.V

When I was finished exploring, i returned back to our pod. As I was tidying up, i realized that one of the windows was broken. Someone or I guess something broke in. I stopped what I was doing and checked my handmade cameras.

"Hmm, that purple worker drone broke in..."

I carefully picked up a walkie talkie

"W, it seems like a worker broke into our pod."


"W? Are you alright?"

X who was not far yelled , "You have to say over after you're done talking."

"Ahh, over."

"So, a worker ay? Question was she purple? Over."

"Yes, it had some type of gun too."


"Alright, can we stop on the 'over' concept? It is quite aggravating"

"Ok fine, anyway, why'd you call?"

"I need you to observe what the worker will do or tell. It may have seen our pod but I need to know if knows our serial destinations."

"Uhhhhhhhhhh, yeah I can probably do that, ill get my camera and stuff."

"Alright good luck im counting on you."

"K, bye."

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