lets not be dumb

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B P.O.V.

Ok, so apparently. X, somehow, got noticed by V.


But eh, I guess he's still alive. And since V can barely remember the N guy, I doubt she will remember X.


But as a consequence. I locked him in a cabinet.

Now solved. im going to rest my circuits and sleep for a bit. Hopefully, nothing goes horribly wrong.

W p.o.v.

Bro, I could not stop laughing for hours on end. AND YOU WOULD TOO IF YOU SAW WHAT I SAW!!! B straight up shoved X into a damn cabinet and locked it, glued it, and taped it up. I can tell X trying to use his weapons in his weird arm thingys to break out.

But anyway, I should probably do what I was assigned before I get my ass beat.

In my opinion, the original crew is somewhat interesting. I plan to get into their pod and look inside, and plus, I finally got my blade wings under control so I can fly now. Which is much easier than walking on peg legs.

As I approach their landing pod, i swiftly hide behind a nearby building. Ok, let's see what time it is... 1:55, alright. V and J should be leaving soon...

"N, don't make yourself worse than you already are."

"You got it, J!"

Bro, what did he do.💀

"V, let's go."

As I watched V and J take off, I saw N go  near the corpse spire. This is my chance, now or never.

I flew down and landed in front of the pods door. I honestly expected a higher security, but at the same time, there's no other threat other than them, (that they know of) so I can't really judge.

(Ngl, I'm kinda jealous because B set up like hundreds of security alarms and locks.)

Anyway, I open the pods door and waltz inside. It looks like our pod but more destroyed. (I'm guessing it's because of the landing) but still fascinating! I see they got their own rooms perspectively and is designed with their interests! J being more organized, V covered in worker parts, and N's just looks very cozy. 10/10. I take a couple of pictures (not creepy at all) and rummage through some notes and books J has Of course putting them back in their place afterwards.*Summery of the notes*, the original disassembly drones aren't just savage killers but will do anything the company commands. I hope B finds this information useful, but I should get out of here, I've been in here long enough. Looking at my collection of pictures in my camera, I walk outside of the pod only for a works arm to hit me!?

"Huh? Ow."

Uzi's pov

Uh, wow! I'm just gonna leave then...cuz this works so weirdly well... uh, go doors!

After I close the door, I look around, just piles of endless snow. I take a deep breath and start walking straight ahead.

The more I walked, the more abandoned buildings and structures got into view. It was cool and all right up until I stepped on a screen with a fatal sign on the visor. 'That could only mean one thing...' I look up to see the corpse spire bigger than I have ever imagined. Now I'm actually worried if I'm going to make it out alive. Either way, I already made it this far, so there's no turning back now. I entered the crater the landing pod made and started searching around, I picked up something that I thought would be useful. It was just an arm... disappointed I threw it behind me.

"Huh? Ow."

Shit. I know damn well that isn't a worker, I picked up the green tube from the ground and immediately turned around. It went back in the pod, so im not sure what it was, but whatever the thing was it seem to have, taken a picture of me? I watched as this figure admired the picture taken, I wanted to investigate until the atmosphere darkened.

They are back...

S.D.W. pov

A bit of a bitch move but when the worker arm hit me I retreated back into the pod. I looked outside the window and took a picture of what was outside, it was a worker drone with a edgy teen fashion sense.( haha emo) I tried to take another picture but for some reason the atmosphere darkened and the worker drone hid behind rubble.

*KAH* the sound of metal landed on the pod. Followed by a crunching sound of a workers head

....is N back? I shoved my pictures and my camera in the messenger bag. I looked out the small window and noticed the worker drone prepare her cool rail gun with the green thingy she picked up.
As she prepared her shot N jumped in and knocked it out of her hand, then swung his tail to pierce her hand and threw her over.

Im starting to panic, Ok at this point I'm pretty sure she's dead, should I do something!? Maybe ill just distract him.

I point a bright red lazer at a nearby wall, while the purple worker drone is getting to her rail gun, N saw the lazer then DIRECTLY LOOKED AT ME! 'SHIT, WAS THAT TOO OBVIOUS' I ducked down and started cradling back and forth, virtual tears started to appear on my visor.

'Welp might as well start writing my will

"BITE ME" *cool railgun sounds*

Huh? I stood back up and looked outside the window. N (who is now headless) fell to the ground.

"Holy hell, suck on that DAD!"

Celebration was cut short when he stood back up and started to fix himself. I guess out of panic the worker drone hit N with a arm. For some reason N didn't start attacking the worker right away, he looks like he's... introducing himself?

While all of this is happening im taking pictures of this, like seriously! The worker is so cool! Not only did she save me from being confronted but she was able to (almost) kill a disassembly drone!? I am impressed.

When I was thinking about the whole situation I failed to listen in their conversation.

"Hey! Let's go in that landing pod over there."

"Sure! I love doing anything"

*pod door opens*

"Oh! Are you also new to the squad?"

"Hello?" N taps on my shoulder.

Wait a minute, N taps on my SHOULDER?

I whip my head around to see N and the worker drone in front of me,

"Hellooo?" He said again waving his hand in front of my face.

What do I do!? Should I just play along? Should I introduce myself? No thats way to risky-

The worker drone Interrupted my thoughts,  "yo, are you going to say anything? Bite me- my hand hurts."

I stand emotionless for a while, waiting for them to let their guard down. The worker drone (who's name is uzi) and N were fixing her hand. (Ew)

While they were busy I shuffled out of the pod and flew back. And hopefully they don't mind if I 'stole/ borrowed' some of their stuff.

N pov

After i was done helping Uzi's hand i noticed the female 'disassembly' drone was not in the pod anymore, I wonder if she and uzi are in the same group. But if they are here that should mean there is one more member... I'll ask uzi about it later.

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