Chapter 2

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Semi edited.

As soon as I got to home I started packing.

My mind still wasn't fully comprehending what just happened.

I went from breaking up with my boyfriend to finding out he cheated on me, to finding out he manipulated his power and got me out my job, to now being told I'll be working for a new team and I'll be going back home.

Crazy shit.

I had a decent amount to pack, at least 4 boxes worth and a big suitcase for my clothes, all the furniture was going to stay since everything was furnished when I got here.

I called my mom as I was packing and told her I was moving back home.

I left out why because I wanted to tell her everything in person.

I'm pretty sure she knew something happened after what I told her yesterday, but she was really happy I was coming home.

I booked my flight and I leave in 2 days, I figured that was enough time for me to pack, and she said my dad would pick me up at the airport since she has something to do.

After talking to her I called Allie and thank god she lives in New York or else I'd have to bail her ass out of jail for attempting to kill Nico.

After her call I also call a moving company to help with my boxes and I'll ship them home since I can't take them on the plane with me.

Even though I've been living here for 5 years I haven't made any friends, besides Nico and his friends, but they were just his and not my friends.

I thought I'd make friends with my coworkers, but like most people in LA, they're two faced and I'd rather have no friends than two faced ones.

So that's why I have no one helping me pack, and honestly I've done fine by myself, I just kept my head down and focused on work, but I know that'll change when I go back home.

By the time I finished packing it was dinner time so I order pizza and relax.

I emailed my new boss letting her know I'd be there in a few days and I couldn't wait to meet everyone and get started.

I also took the time to delete all pictures of Nico off my phone.

The next day I spent packing up all of my clothes and the movers came and took all my boxes.

When I was done I looked around and it was weird to not see my things there, but I'm really happy I'm going home.

The last time I was back in Florida and with my family was for Christmas and it's currently July so it's been awhile, but besides vacations I haven't been home in 5 years.

Before I knew it I was on a plane and we were touching down in Miami International Airport.

I get my luggage from the baggage claim and went in search of my dad, but not before stopping at Cinnabon.

It's an airport essential in my book.

I get to the front of the airport and look for my dad, and see him leaning up against the wall.

I feel like I wanna cry when I see him, it's been so long since I've been home.

I take off towards him and when he sees me he opens his arms and wraps them around me when I meet his chest.

"I'm so glad you're home sweetheart" He said as choked up as I was.

"Me too dad, me too."

He kissed the top of my head. "Let's get you home" He said.

Dream Come True (Dreams Series Spin-off)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant