Chapter 1

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Semi edited.

I change the radio station as I drive down the highway on my way to my soon to be ex boyfriend's apartment.

I've reached my breaking point and it's time I ended it.

At first like all relationships, he was the absolute sweetest, so loving and attentive, but now he's barely there.

I should've ended it 6 months ago, but I wanted to give him one chance to see if maybe it was because of the losses he's been experiencing with the team.

He's the pitcher for the L.A Dodgers.

The good thing is we've only been together for a year and a half instead of longer or else this would've hurt more, but I'm done, I'm checked out and ready to move on.

I pull up to his house and park in the driveway.

Thank god I never moved in with him.

I get out of my car and grab a cardboard box for my stuff, my heels clacking on the pavement since I just came from work and unlock the door with the key he gave me.

I open the door and the first thing I hear is female moans and male grunts.

I can take a guess about what I'm gonna walk into.

I won't be hurt if he is cheating on me, if anything I'll be pissed off because he wasn't man enough to end it before he went looking for someone else.

I open the door and see my soon to be ex pounding into some woman.

The woman screams when she sees me and pulls away from him, covering herself with the comforter.

He turns around and when he sees me his eyes bug out of his head.

"Hello Nico" I said with a sugary sweet tone.

He finally gets the mental ability to find his pants and cover himself up.

I take notice he's not wearing a condom.

Thank god he always wore one when we had sex.

I look towards the woman who is confused by all this. "Sweetie... I don't know what he's told you, but he's been in a relationship with me for a year and a half and if I were you I'd jump ship now before he sucks you in just like he got me."

She scrambles off the bed. "II- I'm so sorry, I honestly had no clue. He told me he was single" She said getting dressed so quick that if it was an Olympic sport she'd definitely win a gold medal.

"Don't worry about it, he's the problem, not you."

She left and I turned to his closet to grab all my stuff.

"Baby... Why don't we talk about this" Nico pleaded.

I turn around and look at him. "Ok, let's talk. How long were you cheating on me?"

He doesn't answer me so I press him again.

"How long Nico? I deserve to know that."

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