"Six months" He said looking anywhere but me.

That's would explain everything now.


He shrugged. "You didn't have time for me anymore, always focused on the team" He said.

I work in the public relations department for the L.A Dodgers, which is how we got together.

I rolled my eyes. "That's bullshit. You could've told me I was making you feel neglected and I would've made time for you, but you went somewhere else to get your dick wet."

"Not my fault, you barely put out anyway" He had the audacity to say.

Maybe if you didn't make it all about your pleasure I'd enjoy it more?

"Whatever Nico... All you had to do was communicate, but you're not man enough to do that."

He stays silent and I continue to pack my stuff.

"You know, this all just made everything easier because I was coming here to break up with you anyway."

He continues to stay silent and I'm thankful for that.

Once I'm done I grab my box and stop in front of him. "God help the next girl you trick into being with you because she'll need all the luck in the world dealing with your ass."

I walked out of the room and downstairs, stopped at the table by the door to drop off my key.

Bon voyage fuck face.

I should've listened to 20 year old me who knew the the type of guy Nico Alvarez was.

Back when I was in college I had a summer internship program for my sports media class with the baseball team and Nico was the star pitcher so I got to see first hand all the drama he brought on himself.

He was a PR's worst nightmare and I knew to stay away from him until I came to the L.A Dodgers and fell for the charismatic good looking man.

Since I knew who he was before I kept my distance, but all it took was seeing a different side of him at a fundraising event and I was sucked in.

I put everything in my car and leave to go to my apartment.

I call my best friend Allie as soon as I'm driving.

She picks up after the first ring. "Hey babe" She said.

"Guess who's been cheating on me for the past 6 months?"

She gasped. "I'll fucking rip his balls off and shove them down his throat!" She yelled.

I laughed. "I love you, but I don't need you going to jail for me."

"True, I don't think I'd do good in jail, but I still wanna kick his ass" She said.

"I know, but he's not worth it."

She hummed in agreement. "Yeah you're right " She said.

"Yeah, but the good newa is I was already done with his ass so finding that out didn't hurt."

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