"Arthur and the Kipper", 1968

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While Arthur was at the works he filled Henry in on what had been happening the past couple of days.

"Well that's Dennis for you." Henry chuckled. "It's only a matter of time before he sees sense."

Arthur solemnly agreed.

"How has the Kipper been? I know the non-faceless vans can get a little restless when I'm away. Especially old Skipper."

"I'd assume it went well. Bear was the one who pulled it last and he seemed to be in a chipper mood like usual."

"Honestly I'm surprised it wasn't you who took it. I mean you like fish don't you?"

Arthur wasn't sure. He had never pulled such an important train before.

"Plus the long night time run would help get all that stress off your buffers."

Arthur looked towards Henry and smiled.

"I'd love to."

Henry smirked and began to explain the route and how to handle the trucks.

"The Kipper vans aren't usually a trouble, however being filled with fish almost 24/7, I'm sure you could understand how they can be a little cranky." said Henry in a much sterner tone. "You must be gentle with them and they'll treat you with respect. We don't need another Kipper incident happening again."

"Kipper incident?" questioned Arthur.

Henry was puzzled, "you've never heard about my accident?"

"Can't say I have."

"Well many years ago I was a much different engine. I had a different shape and was a poor steamer. The Fat Controller eventually did sort out a solution with special Welsh coal, however it was rather costly."

"Only the Fat Controller would go to such lengths to give an engine a fair chance. The other railway would've sent you for scrap once you showed problems." 

"Indeed. That's why I have so much respect for the man. Sure he may not fully understand us, but hey not everyone's perfect. Anyways I was scheduled to pull the new at the time, Flying Kipper. It went well at first, however due to some snow and ice I wasn't alerted of a train ahead and I crashed into the back. The damage was bad enough to warrant a rebuild."

Arthur was stunned. He knew the Fat Controller cared for his engines, but not to such an extent.

"Although my rebuild hasn't come without...suspicion to say the least."

Arthur eyed Henry curiously. "W-What do you mean by that?"

"Well" Henry sighed, "people have this belief that I'm not the original Henry. The amount of times Thomas quizzed me on the railway's history began to become unbearable."

The two engines shared a laugh and a workman walked up.

"Right Arthur you should be good to go, just be careful in that yard. We don't want to have you back too soon."

Arthur then felt steam enter his cylinders and his wheels began to move rhythmically.

"Don't worry Henry the kipper is in good buffers!" Arthur whistled.

A few days later the Kipper was ready to head out. Workmen were busy loading the last few vans as Arthur backed into the harbor. Bear watched as Arthur bumped into the train.

"Not so rough!" Bear said sternly. "The workmen are still trying to load the last of the vans and the last thing they need is to be thrown out of them!"

"Yeesh what's got you in such a tizzy tonight?"

"It's all this extra work. I understand that Henry's repairs were delayed due to lack of parts, but it's starting to become a little too much for us." groaned Bear. "I barely got much sleep last night due to some delays with the midnight goods."

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