"The Mainline Tank Engine", 1968

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"Come along! Mustn't be late! Mustn't be late!"

Henry has been a strong, hard working engine for many years. He takes much pride in his jobs and always makes sure they run to time.

"You've been doing a great job with the ever increasing workload Henry, but it's time for your annual trip to the works." said the Fat Controller one day.

"But who will handle the goods while I'm away? James and Bear certainly can't handle it all alone and Gordon wouldn't dare."

Sir Topham Hatt thought for some time before an idea popped into his head.

Tidmouth is the biggest station on the island. It holds the main terminus station and harbor for the railway. After Duck was sent to his branchline the Fat Controller purchased a large tank engine named Arthur to act as the primary pilot.

"Hello Arthur." began the Fat Controller. "I see you've been getting on well."

"Indeed Sir. You've got a wondrous railway and I love the work near the seaside."

"Always good to hear. However, if I may, I have a proposition for you."

Arthur's eyebrow perked up in curiosity. "What sort of proposition Sir?"

"Well Henry is due for maintenance and I need an engine to help with the extra work. I know you're not as strong as Henry and I wouldn't think of giving you his entire schedule. The other engines will handle some of it too."

"I'd love to help Sir!" chirped Arthur happily.

Sir Topham Hatt smiled. "Good engine. Your first train is due out for the works in an hour. I know you'll do splendid Arthur."

Over the next several days Arthur could be seen pulling goods along the mainline. However with him away from the big station that left the secondary pilot Dennis to do all the shunting. This led to delay after delay.

"Dennis!" weeshed Gordon impatiently. "Dennis you daft diesel where are you?"

"Come on Gordon, he's clearly gone into hiding." called the driver. "We'll just have to put the express together ourselves."

Gordon grumbled as he puffed slowly into the yard to fetch his coaches. In the yard of the Big Station is a bend that the engines and workers have labeled as "the curve". The curve is the sharpest bend in the yard that larger engines aren't allowed to cross. Behind the curve laid the last of Gordon's coaches. As he was backing down he, nor his driver, noticed the curve. Gordon's tender went over without ease, however Gordon suddenly felt his weight shift as he left the rails and sank into the dirt.

"It's just disgraceful!" grumbled Gordon that night. "Honestly I don't know why the Fat Controller keeps him around!"

"Aye he's nothin' but a muckle nuisance!" whistled Donald.

"To teach him a lesson we wannie do!" whistled Douglas.

"Well he isn't all that bad." Arthur said in attempts to lighten the situation. "Sure he's a little lazy, but if you just get to-"

"Don't even try it Arthur!" boomed Gordon. "You came in here to practically replace him and here you are along the mainline!"

"Oh hush up Gordon!" snapped Bear. "He's here because Henry is in for repairs so don't go trying to pin this on him!"

Gordon sighed. "I'm sorry Arthur. I know you were only following the Fat Controller's order. Dennis is just a pain, that's all. How an engine can be so lazy is beyond me."

"It's alright Gordon. I'll try to talk with Dennis tomorrow and set him straight."

The other engines agreed, however they remained rightfully skeptical. The next morning as Arthur gathered his trucks he noticed Dennis sitting idly in a siding.

"Dennis." called Arthur. "Do you have a minute?"

"Erm? What for?"

"Your work ethic."

"Oh here we go again-"

"Dennis you can't just keep slacking off. Because of your nonsense yesterday Gordon derailed. You should be lucky Bear was nearby and able to take the express."

"Was the express late?"


"Then what's the problem exactly? Everything still ran to time."

"Dennis, that's not the point! The point is that you act as if you don't care! I know about your history and you've been lucky enough to receive a second chance like I have."

"Ugh you know you sound a lot like this engine I used to work with on my old line. He was from the Southern Railway I believe. Neilie or Nelson, I don't know something with an N. Although he was far less uptight."

"Uptight? Uptight!-"

"Don't you have a spotless record to keep?"

"Oh please you of all engines should know that was broken ages ago-"

"Go on now chop chop. You certainly can't be late. What ever would the Fat Controller say?" smirked Dennis deviously.

Arthur gritted his teeth and puffed away to collect his trucks. As Arthur coupled to his trucks he gave them a mighty biff.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Not so rough! Not so rough!" hollered the trucks.

"Hush up you lot! Now come on!"

If Arthur hadn't been so cross he may have noticed the trucks whispering amongst each other.

"Oh my signal lads." said one. "Ready...NOW!"

The trucks surged forwards taking Arthur by surprise.

"Hey come on, stop that!" shouted Arthur.

"Uh oh look out for the curve!" giggles the trucks.

Arthur looked back and gasped as he noticed the curve.

"BRAKES DRIVER! BRAKES!" cried Arthur, but it was too late.

Arthur began the curve and a second later felt his back wheel leave the rails.

"Now look at what you've done!" hollered Arthur, but the trucks took no notice. They thought it to be a great joke.

"DENNIS!" Arthur yelled as his face grew red.

But Dennis had wisely scuttled off into the yard. By the time Arthur could be brought back onto the rails the moon had risen high into the sky.

"This isn't entirely your fault Arthur. However, you should learn to control your anger."

"I know Sir. I'm sorry Sir. It's just that this work is a lot more to handle than I expected."

"I understand Arthur and I have been trying to make arrangements, but as you know the other railway hasn't been very...cooperative in recent years."

Arthur looked down shamefully then up towards Dennis who had been trying to hide behind some vans.

"As for you!" exclaimed Sir Topham Hatt as he turned towards the diesel. "I will not tolerate this laziness from you. You handled yourself just fine with Arthur and even Duck for that matter. Why are you starting this now?"

"I'm sorry Sir, it's just difficult to run a massive station and the main harbor all by myself? I just got all overwhelmed and wanted a rest."

"I understand your frustration Dennis, but that isn't an excuse to slack off and not do anything. I purchased you because I can see great things in you. Now take Arthur to the works, then you are to head to your shed and think about how to be a useful engine."

Dennis said nothing as he pulled Arthur away and out of the yard. Arthur only finally broke the silence as they passed through Edward's Station.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you. I know handling the work of two engines can be a little difficult. Especially in the busiest part of the island."

"And I shouldn't have been so...well..."


"Yeah. I don't mean to be like that. It just sorta happens." yawned Dennis.

Arthur chuckled. "I guess some things don't change after all."

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