Ch 2: Learning

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The boy's p.o.v [{He hasn't adopted the name yet}]

Such a weird feeling... I don't know if I could describe what just happened and what I just felt, but it feels... good? I don't know what that word is, but it suits I'd say.

'Everything feels so weird, and my body... it feels incredible!' I thought to myself.

I didn't think much of the sound that just had echoed through my head, I was too focused on my body right now. My body, I feel stronger and faster from before. Not only was it my body, but my senses as well. I could sense the watchful eyes of the birds, I could feel the slightest sifts in my the air, the tinniest changes of smells, the different rays of light, and I could even taste the different things in the air.

"How weird..." I blurted out of my mouth, causing me to jump in surprise.

I have made sounds from my mouth before, but I have no idea where I learnt whatever that was from.

"Wh-what...?" There, I did it again... What is this?

It's such a weird feeling. The movement of my tongue and lips, the release of air from my throat, the changing of pitch also from my throat... This was truly a weird experience for me. I didn't know what to do through this confusing, I was simply confused. Taking a step forward, that voice from before came up again.

Hello, "Guider of Evolution"!
I am the [{Evolutionary guide}] and I am here to help you figure things out.
User does not appear to have a name!
As such, a name shall be given!
User will be given the name of [{Shinka Hattatsu}]!

The voice boomed in my head as some sort of screen appeared in front of me. On the screen was words, words that I for some reason could understand. The voice sounded neither male or female, young or old... It was weird, to say the least. My head felt tingly when it talked, it was as if something was breathing on my head.

"W-Who're you..?" I didn't feel safe, the voice that rang in my head wasn't hostile, but that didn't make me comfortable.

I am the [{Evolutionary guide}] and I will be helping you understand the newfound power you now possess!

I will be showing how to use your power.

I looked at this screen thingy with confusion, tilting my head slightly in wonder.

'I have so many questions... Questions? What is that?' I don't know what kind of word just slipped in my mind, but it feels like I do.

"Wh... What are you..?" I asked it curiously.

It sound like the question I asked earlier, but I had a different meaning for this question.

I am an entity of ideality and I operate under the one of higher authority!
I do not have a name nor do I need one.
I am simply here to be a guide for you.
I am created to show you paths that you can take and that's all, once I teach you what you need to know I will vanish.

I looked at it, confused as all hell of course. I... understood(?) what it meant and why it's here after it's explanation, but it felt rather odd for some reason.

"U-Umm, okey..? So... are you gonna show me how to use these abilities..?" Rubbing my cheek slightly I asked it.

Yes, of course.
Please look at anything.

I did as told as there was no reason for me not to. Looking at an elephant bird not so far from me, a new screen popped up. This one was different from the first one, this one had a multitude of dots with faint lines connecting each one of them. One of the dots were way brighter then the other, showing that this was it's current state.

These are the evolutionary paths of the elephant bird.
With your finger you can change everything about a animal.
Please, choose one paths for the elephant bird.

I looked through the options on the new screen, finding it quite cool as I pressed on one of the dots on the screen. It looked like a small featherless bird which he thought would be pretty cute to have around. Pressing on the dot, the line that was connecting it to its current state lit up.

Evolution line has been chosen for the elephant bird.
Nature will alter itself to make this path come true.

I felt a bit strange as it said that. Feeling as if parts of my stamina was just taken away. I looked at the elephant bird with anticipation, wondering when it'll change. But as I stood there, nothing seem to happen and it made me quite confused.

Evolution takes time.
You cannot evolve something and make it change immediately, at least not with your current capabilities.

"Well... that's disappointing..." That seems to explain why it didn't get smaller or anything, but I do feel quite disappointed about it.

Sighing in slight disappointment, I could feel something approaching me. It's presence was familiar, definitely something I've faced before. It seems to be standing right behind me as a shadow was casted on me. Turning around I noticed it was a bear, and quite a large one in fact.

"Huh, that's larg-" As I spoke, I got slapped across the face my the bears paw.

Crashing into a tree due to the force from the hit, I stood back up as if nothing happened. It felt rather weird, normally that would've been way more damaging than this. Of course it did do some damage, being a small cut on my cheek, but it didn't stay there too long. Soon, the small cut disappeared and what small amount of blood dissipated into nothing. The cut was no longer there and it felt really weird afterwards. It felt like my skin started to stiffen and harden, getting more more stretchy as well. It felt like it was adapting itself to handle cuts.

"Wow, that was... how should I say it? Incre-" Before I could finish, another swing from the bear came at me.

It hit me clean in the face, though this time it had zero effect. Not even budging at all. I look at the bear with a cold and blank face as I pulled my hand back. Sensing the danger it was in, it moved backwards. Though that was to little use as I smacked it clean across the face. I could feel it's skin and muscle tear as my hand slammed against the bear. I could hear the sound of its skull cracking and the feeling of its face turning to shreds.

The bears body flew away and landed in the ground, missing its head. Soon after the body landed, pieces and chunks of the bears hand came crashing down to the ground. It would be an unnerving sight for most, but not for me, or more specifically current me. If it was before I would've been at least a bit shook at this sight, but now I was feeling nothing.

"What a weird power..." I said with an emotionless stare as I looked at my hands.

It would seem that the journey ahead of me is going to be quite interesting.
A/n: Sup ya bunch of nerds! It's been a fucking while now hasn't it? Sorry I was kinda dead and not very motivated to write anything. I'm back for a bit, but who knows how long this'll last. Also, most my books will be set as completed cus I hear from a friend Wattpad will remove your stories if you don't update for too long.

Blessed by evolution [{Rewritten}] (Oc x Vtuber)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora