The voice had shiver down my spine

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I was thanking God for getting me outta shit. As I walked towards the elevator I realised it was a HOTEL... Who comes so late at a hotel, probably that guy has some ulterior motives and who knows he got some of them.

I pressed the down button on the screen. The little alley from the hotel room to the elevator was pretty much light-equipped but still seemed as if it was haunted. And why not, I came half stripped from there. It's no less than a bad trip.

I was on the 12th floor and the elevator machinery hisses and whirs and as soon as the bell dings in the elevator..... A voice came from behind

'Are you going somewhere, Lil B. It's too early to go out'.....
The elevator doors opened but I was standing still and numb there as if someone had caught me red-handed.
I got blank and didn't knew whether should I turn around or get on the elevator, .... Agghhh shit! Someone gotta help me out .

Before I could decide on one thing the doors closed at my face.... Wait should I push the button again but if I do .... Then I have to move my hands and how should I do it when am numb like this.... Itsss killing me, just get a hold of yourself bitch....

With constant wrestling of varied questions and thoughts I took a deep breath and pushed the button and at that precise moment.... The man behind me moved so close and firmly towards me.... Grabbed my hand and pushed me hard towards the wall... My heart became restless , I could feel his deep breath over my face, his dark intent eyes looking over my body and pushed me hard as I tried to loose the grip, his body got so close as I felt him everywhere on me... He got his mouth towards mine .... Are we gonna kiss... Should I push him harder or just surrender... Well his lips are so juicy I wouldn't mind that but still it's not right ....

I have to get off this situation but how... Before I could think of anything else he leaned his mouth over my neck then breath out gently over it ..... At that moment I could feel goosebumps all over my body as if something smokey gonna happen ....

Is he playing with me ? Or else why someone's gonna put a stranger into the wall like this and hoping over their body...... He pulled his face over my ears and hushed a little with his gentle voice making me feel butterflies .... "I don't allow you to go now".... Is he ordering me around and who the heck he thinks of himself .

"Let me out of here , I don't know who you are nor am interested, get your body Outta my face."

''Calm down girl, I am not gonna mess with you if you stay quiet and get going in the room with me.''

"Why the hell am I gonna do this, I already have a lot of shit going on coz of this situation, I don't want to be involved anymore, sorry for ruining your plans" I smirked.

What ? Did he consent like that? So easily... Well tell me about it , it's a great thing. He loosened up his grip and took a step back lowering his head , chuckled while holding his pants strip with one hand. Wait , is he planning something coz I was still there on the wall where I was a few seconds ago. He got his head up and stared me with 'You gotta regret eyes' and it was the second I knew am in a huge mess.

He pulled his beads chain on the neck so hard that in the next second the floor was full of beads .... He accelerated toward me and grabbed me from down and put me on his shoulders , I screamed for help but to my bad, it was isolated.

He opened the door and stormed in the room, and slammed it so loud that I put my screams back in the throat.

He threw me in the bed , stripped off my top and tossed the bag below the sofa , I was flabbergasted to the situation, he got his belts and tied them around my wrists pulling them up to straighten my hand , i didn't dare to move an inch , and just put an grilled face . He got his hand on my legs moving them feebly upwards making my legs stiff , he then changed his fingers moving between me to the side of my hip and grabbed the piece of shit (slutty skirt) I was wearing and giggled a little, then he ripped of the side skirt making me easily accessible from sideways.

He then leaned towards my hooters and was sniffing around them, he grabbed my tied hands and hopped over my body , putting his face so close that sucking my lips was so cinch for him, but he did nothing as I visualized.
Got his eyes staring into mine he asserted, " If you move an inch without my will am gonna make you scream so loud , the whole hotel's gonna cum on your scream".

I gulped down the throat and with struggled efforts asked him " why you doin' this to me? All these things you doin' is basically a harassment."
Shhhhhh!... He puts his fingers on my lips pressing them as if he was asking me to be quiet.

"I am doing nothing wrong with you, if you just corporate I am gonna let you know everything but if you don't then you gonna have guns down there and it's sure gonna hurt".

He looked devilish at the moment sitting on me he moved his head back moaning , and said "I love it, I love seeing you like this , baby bitch".

Then he got off me and moved towards windows and pulled aside the curtains to let the light penetrate a little.....

To be continued......

The Hotel's Heat Wave Where stories live. Discover now