🫦Had a man beside me !🫦

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'Get up baby girl', 'Get up baby girl' I moaned half-asleep as my alarm kept screaming the same thing. Ya I had this as my alarm ringtone coz it makes me feel special, you know just one of my rando' fantasies.
Moved my hands towards the phone aimlessly and opened my one eye to have a peek about the time. It was 4'0 clock in the morning and I am not sure why the heck I put that alarm on.

Well I had some office work that have to be completed by today may be that was the reason I put it on or may be I must have decided to be a morning person. Agghhhh I dunno.
What I actually hate the most about these alarm things .... It makes me get up early before I even want to and after seeing the time I am left with to sleep, makes me more sleep deprived.
Altho' I am probably the one who set this on but still I hate it.

But wait! Am I dreaming or is this really my house coz the interior is actually different from what I have in my house . It's pretty nice and what I have as a house is just a filthy trash box. But it's so modern and smooth, well well well, thinking about it , it might be a dream but who cares , lemme just have a quiet and fluffy sleep. Even when I was half asleep constant thoughts kept rushing on to my mind and since I was half conscious I can feel some back pain.

Ignoring all the half awake shit I took the left turn to my side and grabbed the smooth but soft pillow but why does this pillow actually seem too heavy it's like I am not pulling it but it's pulling me towards itself .

Screw it !. I don't have the time and energy to describe the characteristics of the pillows at this hour. I just grabbed it and put my head on and despite being a pillow it's rock hard .

I guess even the liveless things are joking around me . Just as usual I put my head on the pillow that seems to be a pillow and breath out heavily just to make sure that I am going to have a good night sleep at last, though it was already morning but who cares.

I have a habit of putting one of my leg a little higher than the other one coz it makes me feel more comfortable but when I did that I had a feeling if something uneven was lying beside me coz the bedsheets were actually higher than they should be.....

Aghhhh all these things I dunno what's going on but these have already ruined my sleep and probably my whole days gonna be ruined too. Coz who works efficiently when their body didn't got enough of comfort.

I tried to open my eyes one by one coz I don't know it's just natural .... And to my surprise... What the hell am I seeing.....

Well, wait! Is it ... Is it a whole Set of sexxy and firm abs..... I means what are these cool biceps... Waittt Grace! What you doin'
Just wake up
You are lying by side of a man and that too a handsome debonair.... Whatever that doesn't change the fact that your lying half-undressed in side by a total stranger.

What I have done ... Why am I here... And who the hell is this sexxy asshole?!...

Thousands of questions lined up in my mind and I had no answer at all.

Did I blacked out ... Or he kidnapped me ? We are lying side by side .... Does that mean something happened between us.....

Why the hell am I being a devil's advocate now... One thing I am sure of that I have nothing to do with this man nor I want to .... So the best way would be to get out of here as soon as possible.

I took my bag and put my phone inside it hurriedly and for God sake why the hell I undressed myself.... took my push up lace bralette and wore it before my melons gets too exposed .... Altho' they already were.... Agghhh what am doing with myself.
Got my undies over my leg and put on that slutty skirt and so called crop top and I am wondering now why I wore those last night. Was I trying to be a hooker. Well it seems so otherwise who wears this kind of filthy choker chain almost seems like a choke-me-chain.... Huhhhh? Am I bad-mouthing myself?

And just look at my feets am having a cumslut anklet around my ankles.
I guess I totally lost it yesterday.

Now goodbye Mr. Big wang.
Wait did I looked at him down there.....

Get a hold of yourself Grace!.... For goodness sake get your body Outta this room....

I got my heels in my hand coz I didn't wanna make noise and sure to be tip toes. Ahhh finally I got the right way to the door handle....
Wait where are my car keys , I am prettyy sure that they had bad bitch keychain in it .....

Huhhh there is it.... This man is totally a dickhead I mean who puts the keychain in there pants hooks....

But to be honest he's got a body of paradise... Don't be distracted fool get done with your keys.... I got close to his pants area and almost looked as if I was gonna blow him but putting thought aside.... I took the car keys with my constantly trembling hands .

Ahhhisss... Mission accomplished... Now I gotta go out of here... I walked on my tiptoes and pushed the door handle down firmly and yasss it opened.....

Finally I got Outta this messy situation.....


To be continued.

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