A d e | s e v e n t e e n

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Miriam hadn't changed since Ade saw her in the library. It's not that she hadn't looked great in her form-fitting leggings and tight jumper, she had, but Ade hoped dinner required a little more effort than athleisure even if it was in a Nando's. He'd swapped his own jumper for the promised white t-shirt and changed into a clean pair of black jeans, but here she was, same as ever.

"Sorry I'm late," she said while slipping into the seat across from his. He'd wanted a booth, it would've been more intimate, but they seemed reserved for larger groups.

"Did book club overrun?" he asked.

"No, I uh fell asleep actually."

Asleep? So she could've changed.

"Sorry," she said again, leaning across the table to briefly pat Ade's hand. "Book club was a lot. I planned to nap for like thirty minutes, but I slept through my alarm."

He threaded his fingers through hers and squeezed. "It's okay," he said, smiling for good measure. "It happens."

"Anyway." She slipped her hand out from under his. "Have you decided what you're ordering?"

The flippancy with which she shifted aside, opened her menu, and turned her attention to the items listed inside left Ade cold. What was there to check? If you've been to one Nando's, you've been to them all. But somehow ordering was more important than this moment between them. Somehow, Ade felt, everything was more important. Which was why he had to show her, prove to her, that he was the most important.

"What are you having?" Miriam asked, finally glancing up from the menu. Her big brown eyes locked with Ade's, and he felt a flicker of warmth curl in his stomach.

"Half chicken," he said.


"Chips and garlic bread."

With a firm nod, Miriam jumped up and dashed towards the till before Ade could stop her. He watched her, eyes zeroing in on her arse which was plump and pert, a fact only accentuated by her leggings. Smiling softly to himself, she turned and caught his gaze which only served to make his smile widen into a full blown beam. She laughed, rolled her eyes, then ordered before returning to the table.

"So cheesy," she said while sitting down.

"Only with you," Ade grinned.

"Am I supposed to be flattered?"

"Oh, definitely. Cheese is reserved for the people I like best."

"Oh, so you like me?"

He cleared his throat, face twitching, and itched his forehead. He wasn't one to admit to feelings, then again it had been so long since he'd had them that maybe there was no harm in telling the truth. So, with a shake of the head, he said, "You got me."

"Now, now." Miriam's smile was dynamite. "You've got to actually say it. I mean, how else am I supposed to believe you? You could say this to every girl."

"Trust me," Ade snorted. "I definitely do not." He then grabbed the two glasses Miriam placed in the centre of the table. "What do you want to drink?" he asked.

"Coke," she said. "But don't think I'm letting this go."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

Ade headed to the drinks station and joined the short queue for the ice machine. Both glasses half-filled with crushed ice, he dispensed Coke into hers and Fanta into his before grabbing cutlery, ketchup and a bottle of hot sauce. Upon his return to the table, he expected Miriam to pick up their conversation and was startled when she asked if he was a big reader.

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