The mystery in the asylum

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The next day, Stevie and Jimmy got ready for going into an abandoned asylum were the normal, used to hold mentally disabled children, they were tortured them, they always told the parents that their kids would be sent to school, but that was a lie.

The man who ran the asylum was very mean to the children, every single disabled person, alive today, knows the story of the young boy, who died in the asylum at the hands of one of the owners of the asylum, legend says that every 63 days the man and the boy are seen through the windows of the dark asylum.

Stevie and Jimmy slowly walked through the asylum buy open doors and down hallways that were only lit by one flickering light above.

"Jimmy, stay close!" Stevie spoke as he took Jimmy's hand, and they moved through the asylum.

"Stay close!" Jimmy echoed looking around.

Then a sudden breeze blew out the overhead light that had been flickering, Stevie whipped around with his rifle at the ready.

"Who's there?" He shouted, pointing the rifle at no one.

"Don't hurt me!" A slurred voice spoke.

"Ringo, is that you?" Stevie asked, lowering his rifle.

"Yeah, tried to find you last night!" Ringo signed.

"Computer, put on translator!" Stevie spoke into the pitch black.

"Translator on!" The computer voice spoke out of the pitch black darkness.

"Ringo, we need to go! it's too dangerous here!" Stevie spoke with the translator still on.

"Yes, I understand." The computer spoke when Ringo signed his answer.

Then, all of a sudden, the sound of footsteps is heard, Stevie turns around again to the sound.

"Computer, tell me what I'm looking at?" Stevie asked his voice shaking, even though he wouldn't admit he was afraid.

"There are six men with guns standing in front of you." The computer spoke rapidly.

"Well, look what we got here, come here, boy, yar gonna answer for what you did!" One of the men spoke in a very heavy southern accent.

"Hey boss, look what we found, this he was the one who's been looking in our schools, we ain't real happy about it." One of the other guys said while holding Ringo by the head.

"Well, well well, anyone wanna add to why he's here?" The boss spoke.

Stevie was silent, pondering why these men would be here.

Stevie whispered to Jimmy, sensing his anxiety and fear, "It's alright, Jimmy. These men won't hurt us."

"It's alright, won't hurt us!" Jimmy repeated much to the annoyance of the boss.

"What is he doing?" The boss asked.

"It's called Echolalia, autistic people use it for communication!" Stevie explained.

"Take him, we can use that!" The boss ordered his men.

The men advanced on Jimmy, not understanding what is happening Jimmy hugged the men.

"What the hell are you doing?" The boss yelled.

"Are you doing?" Jimmy asked, oblivious to the danger that he was in.

"Jimmy, I think they want to kidnap you!" Ringo signed furiously.

Jimmy understanding what Ringo signed, and beat the hand of the man who was holding him.

"You are free to shoot!" The computer, said to Stevie.

So that's exactly what Stevie did and shot the man right between the eyes.

"You will pay for that!" The boss yelled upon seeing the man laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood.

"We will see, for now I have to got to go." Stevie spoke running with Ringo and Jimmy right behind him.

Once Stevie was sure that the men did not follow them, he turned his attention to Ringo.

"What the hell are you doing, you could've gotten killed." Stevie asked.

"Was looking for you, and I couldn't find you in the base this morning I decided to go out into town, found this abandoned asylum, heard stories about it and thought I would go in." The computer spoke as Ringo signed.

"Fine, just next time tell us where you're going." Stevie let out a heavy sigh and continued walking.

Then, all of a sudden that came more soldiers, Ringo turned around, just in time to see Stevie aim his rifle.

"Leave now or I will kill you." Stevie said casually to the soldiers.

The soldiers looked at each other and just laughed.

"How can you, a retard kill us, we are stronger than you." One of the soldiers screamed.

Stevie caulked his head to the side, then handed Ringo his rifle, without a word, he punched one of the soldiers, and twisted the other soldier's around then when he heard a snap, he shot the other soldier at close range with the gun he had picked up from the soldier who he kicked.

"Leave us alone!" Stevie growled as Ringo handed back his rifle.

Then all three walked away, the soldier who is arm was twisted got up and looked around his comrades who laid there, some of them dead, and some of them screaming in pain.

They walked out of the asylum and went home, on the street they saw a lot of people with varying disabilities, ever since the disability pretenders took over, disabled people were scared for their lives.

That is the reason why the resistance group did what they did, there are still some normal people within the boundaries of the city, but in the outer riches of the city, it is all just occupied by a disabled people, the government created disability pretenders in bio engineering labs, 72 years ago to try and make right what they have done wrong.

But unfortunately, the disability pretenders were evil, and they killed the government officials and the people within the bio labs.

Disability pretenders are evil, there are institutions where the disability pretenders have taken over, disabled people are taken to those institutions when they have misbehaved, but especially children, sometimes children are taken to those institutions, and then never seen again.

Sorry, there's not really a backstory to this.

Maybe I will make one if I come up with one!

I will try and describe the characters more so that people who do not know who these people are, will understand.

I will write more about the disability pretenders, and the institutions in the next chapter!

Land of confusionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora