Chapter 6: Know Thy Enemy

Start from the beginning

"Of course my lady, I'll be going now," the head butler said before leaving my room and closing the doors behind him.

Well, it's not like I'm completely broke yet.

After all, I just entered this world.

I still have enough money to last me a little while until I'm able to find a new source of income.

Should I start selling some of my belongings?

I chuckled, the Duke would never expect me to do such a thing.

Well, desperate times call for desperate measures.

But first, I think I need to review my current knowledge of this world,

I was unprepared before but, next time I'll be ready.

This time, I'll be the one who makes the first move.

"Eleanor, is there any quiet place to study here?" I asked.

Eleanor looked puzzled at first before asking me, "Do you not remember your way around the duchy my lady?"

Ah, was it weird that I asked that?

"No it's just...after being unconscious for a year, my memory is still a bit foggy" I blundered.

"Oh, I see,"

"I apologize for being so discourteous my lady" Eleanor responded as if acknowledging her mistake.

"In that case, I would recommend the library"

"It's quiet and there's usually no one around too"

I guess the library will have to do.

"What are you planning to study my lady?" Eleanor asked.

"Just some...wildlife I guess?" I improvised so as to not draw any unnecessary attention to the topic.

"Wildlife?" Eleanor questioned.

"Is there a certain species you're interested in my lady?"

I chuckled, "Humans?"

"Huh?" Eleanor uttered with a bewildered expression.

I giggled, "Take me to the library"

"Oh and could you bring some tea too?" I added as Eleanor guided me to the library.


"We're here my lady, you can look around and find yourself a spot"

"I'll be back with the tea shortly," Eleanor mentioned before walking away.

As I walked through the library I was taken aback.

First of all, the library had two floors separated by a railing with what looked like study areas on the upper floor.

The rows of bookshelves on the first floor were perpendicular to the library walls and they were endless, not to mention how high up the shelves went.

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