Maria pulled in the driveway almost scared to get out the car and find out the truth.

When Maria got in, Temetrius was already at the door waiting for her. "What did she say? Can I see Kaari?" The words rushed out his mouth.

"She said you can see her this weekend but she has to be there." Maria hung her bag on the hook by the door.

"That's it? No argument?" Temetrius was confused.

"No argument. She did tell me to talk to you about something though." Maria walked up the stairs, Temetrius followed.

"Talk to me about what?"

"I have no clue. It's clearly something big because she didn't want me to hear it from her." Maria sat on their bed, taking off her earrings.

"I don't know what she's trying to imply but whatever she wants you to think, don't think it." Temetrius sat next to Maria.

"I'll try not to. I hope the things I'm thinking aren't true." Maria slid her pants off. "You would tell me if you fucked up right?"

"What you mean if I fucked up?" Temetrius asked.

"Like, if you cheated on me. Would you tell me?" Maria looked sad. She hoped he would tell her.

"Of course I would. But how would you react if I did?"  Temetrius stood up from the bed, going into the bathroom to run them some bath water. Maria waited for him to get back in the room to answer.

"I don't know. Let's just pray I don't have to find out." Maria threw her clothes in the basket.


Maria could sense that the conversation was making Temetrius nervous. She wanted to push for more answers but last time she said something about him and Kk she got punched in the nose.

"Honestly I think she's just trying to get under your skin." Temetrius stated. "Do you really think I'd touch her?"

"Temetrius I don't know what to think!" Maria shouted as the tears fell. "You've been acting sneaky lately and I can't stand it." Her voice cracked. "I just don't want to be the dumb girlfriend who gets cheated on with the baby mother."

"You not dumb baby." Temetrius wiped Maria's face.

"Well I sure feel dumb. I heard that little conversation between you and Kk that day I took Kaari to the mall." Maria pushed him. "She was telling you how she wanted to do something again. What was it?"

Temetrius face fell blank as he realized what conversation she was talking about. "How much of that did you hear?" He asked.

"Enough to know something's up." Maria's face went from sadness to anger.

"Baby I promise you-"

Maria slapped him.

"Don't fucking sit here and lie to me Temetrius. Did you sleep with her?!" Maria questioned.

Temetrius stood there not wanting to answer so she slapped him again.

"Did you fucking sleep with her Temetrius?!" Maria was getting more and more angry. Temetrius had never seen this side of her before.

"Yes Ria. I did sleep with her but it meant nothing." Temetrius said. Maria tried to slap him again but he caught her hand before it reached his face. "I had to. She wasn't trynna let me see my kid. What the fuck was I supposed to do?!" Now Temetrius was upset.

"How bout... Not fuck her?!" Maria shouted. They were having a full out yelling match.

"It wasn't even recent. This was months ago Ria. Months!"  Temetrius tried to make the situation sound less terrible than it actually was but it only infuriated Maria more.

"You didn't think to come to me about that shit?! Maybe I could've helped." Maria's throat was starting to hurt so she calmed herself. "I can't even do this anymore." Maria laughed.

"What's fucking funny Maria." Temetrius sat on the bed exhausted from the argument.

"Nothing. I'm going to Berlyn's house." Maria got dressed, packed a bag, then left nothing but Temetrius and his thoughts alone in the house.

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