20 • the ackermans

563 22 18

"i told you, i can't." you spoke to your father, running a hand through your hair before resting your chin in the palm of your hand. your phone was propped up against the water bottle, the low sound of the tv playing some news cast in the break-room.

"c'mon. i'll pick you up and take you back." your father offered. the two of you were discussing plans for the upcoming thanksgiving holiday. unfortunately, the college only close the day of the holiday, not giving you the full week off like most schools do.

"that's too much driving. besides, i work black friday. my boss would kill me if i miss that." you shiver, thinking about the wrath levi would unleash if you even pondered the thought of calling out on one of the busiest days of the year.

your dad sighed, accepting defeat. "alright, fine. but i better expect you here for christmas."

you smiled, nodding. "of course. already have my bags packed for that and gifts purchased."

"so what do you plan to do for thanksgiving then?" your fathered asked. you hummed, turning your head to the side as you heard the door to the breakroom open. you nodded in greeting at levi who came in at that moment, his tea mug in hand.

"probably make myself a small dinner. most of my friends are heading home for the holiday for the day." you shrugged. it's not like thanksgiving was a big deal to you or your family but you knew that they missed you.

your father signed, opening his mouth to try and convince you to come home once more before the twins barged in yelling about something you couldn't make out. "guess that's my cue to go. i'll call you later." he said before hanging up. you locked the device and sighed before folding your arms upon the table top.

"your father calling?" levi asked, mixing his tea bag in his mug.

"yes, he was begging me to come home for the holiday but i told him it was better for me to stay here."

levi nodded, internally having a small battle with his thoughts. he knew if he didn't invite you, his uncle would have his ass. so, the older gentleman sighed, surveying the breakroom that only housed the two of you before speaking. "Come with Mikasa and I to our grandmother's for dinner. No if's, and's or but's." was all he said before leaving. you blinked, clearly taken aback by the invitation that almost felt like a threat.

and that's how you found yourself seated across armin, next to mikasa in paradis that thursday, a plate full of food bestowed before you. levi was helping his grandmother bring drinks to the table while armin's grandfather made sure the napkins and utensils were at every seat. you learned from mikasa that typically armin and his grandfather had dinner with them since it was usually just the two of them. eren usually joined as well since he dreaded going to his father's but he typically arrived after the table was clear and dessert was being served.

you looked around the home that mikasa and levi grew up in, finding it to be quite cozy despite the lack of family pictures that didn't decorate the walls like your family home had. instead, frames of famous paintings or local artists decorated the walls which brought it's own charm. there were a few frames that you noticed were turned around but decided not to pry. afterall, you were a random addition to the bunch.

"she resembles kenny, yet i get a sense of you as well." levi's grandmother mused as she stirred the pitcher of lemonade.

levi just hummed, hands filled with glasses. "she doesn't know about us. you know how kenny is."

"that son of mine. ever the mysterious type the two of you." she lets out a heavy sigh, taking a hold of the pitcher and turning to leave the kitchen. "haven't seen him since he brought you and mikasa to my doorstep."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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