Little Note For You!

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Yummy, trashy art for you to cringe at!

Hello! Just before I actually throw my shit called art at you, I'm just going to say my art is uhm... it (art style) just changes a lot, don't question it. Oh, by the way, I'm a beginner so excuse all the weird things in each piece, I'll (hopefully) improve later (not).

Here's a list for what will be in the upcoming updates!

- OC(s).
- ORV.
- What?
- Other random stuff.
- Maybe old cringey art if I gain the courage to.
- Just a lot of cringe as always.
- (Positive) rants, maybe.

Also, some fan art (ORV) may include an AU of mine that none of you will ever understand lol, if you want me to explain a "bit" of it, I might come with another update for it, no promises though (most of those pieces will probably include Regressor!Ja, so-).

Oh, and some warnings.
Barely any pieces may include blood and stuff like that for no reason. And updates will be very random (probably three times a day if I actually do shit). Yum.

If you steal my art I'm literally going to ahsjskqigjdkwqqkso. I don't know. I'll kill you, probably, but I'll do it horribly so be prepared. :)


Bye bye!
-Meno :)

Art Dump [Fanart, OCs, and more] - Meno_MiWhere stories live. Discover now