What happens next

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Joes Point of view
Joe: Emily
What's going on
Emily: Joe this is not what it looks like
Joe: it looks like your kissing Luke
Emily: But I'm not
You see Luke came up to me after the game and we were talking when he made me laugh then next thing you know he tries to kiss me but I tried to stop him
Joe: Really because It looks like you were kissing him
Emily: I was not I promise
Joe: and you said you loved me
Emily: I do I promise
Joe: are you sure because it doesn't look like it
Emily: Joe
Joe: Save it Emily I have to go enjoy hanging out with Luke
Emily: Really Joe I thought you loved me
Luke's POV
Great me trying to win my girl back only made things worse and I'm afraid of loosing my job

Later that day
Emily's POV
Everything was going right with Joe I felt happy but know it's such a mess I thought he loved me but maybe he does not?
Joes POV
I thought I could trust Emily but maybe I can't right know I'm sitting with my family and I have not had any motivation to tell my family about Emily and all I know is that my mom will ask
Joes Mom: Hey Joe were is Emily?
Joe: Umm

AN Sorry this is short I just thought I should update the story since it's been a bit hopefully the next update can be longer and hoped you enjoyed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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