Chapter two

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Five years later
Emily's POV

I wake up to my alarm going off. I groan and roll over, turning off my alarm seeing that it's seven in the morning. I get out of bed and go to Sara's room. "Sara babygirl, it's time to wake up" I say, opening her door. I see Sara roll over a little and go in sitting on the end of her bed, letting her slowly wake up. Sara rubs her eyes a little and says "morning momma". Sara sits up "morning sweet pea you ready we have to get you ready for school. Sara is four and goes to preschool while I work at an auto parts store. I go to Sara's closet and put Sara's school outfit on her (outfit up top). We go to the kitchen and I sit Sara in one of the chairs at our little table. "What would you like to have sweet pea"? "Biscuit and gravy sausage ma," Sara says. "Okay i can make that real quick" i say and get the ingredients out for what sara wants. I make what sara wants and give her a bowl of it. "Here you go sweet pea". "Thank you momma," Sara says and starts to eat her breakfast. "You eat sweet pea i have to get dressed. "Okay momma," Sara says while eating her food. I go to my room and get dressed (outfit up top). I put on a little makeup and go back to sara. "Momma, I'm done with breakfast" Sara says, getting down from her seat. "Okay sweet pea let's go, we have to get you to school" I say and take Sara's hand. I grab my phone and Sara grabs her book bag as I help her put it on. Sara holds my hand as we walk out to the car. I open the back seat door and help Sara as she climbs in. I make sure Sara is buckled in before I go to the driver's seat and get in. I drive to Sara's school and park in the parent drop off lane. I get out and go to Sara's door, opening and unbuckling her. I walk to her class to check in and sign her in, kissing her on the head before she joins her class where they are sitting. I go back to the car and get in the driver's seat. I pull out of the parking lot and make my way to work. I pull into the parking lot of my work parking where I normally do and turn off my car. I get out of my car and walk into work. I put my bag behind the counter and clock in.  I walked to the back "sam are you back here"? "Yeah be careful Abby dropped a box of screws earlier, i think i got all of them but be careful just in case" sam says from his desk. I walk carefully to him "so where are we today"? "Had the truck, it's an everyday job just help people and work the register" Sam says. "Okay". "So how's your little girl" Sam asks? "She's good, she's actually starting to like school and making friends". "That's good, is there anything with her father" Sam asks? "No and I hope it stays that way". "You know Emily, I know people you can tell me his name and I can make sure he never finds you or Sara," Sam says. "No Sam this isn't your fight it's mine". "Okay but you know that if you and sara need anything i'm always here" Sam says. Sam is a 45 year old man, he took Sara and I in and treats us as family. "I know sam thank you". Sam smiles and I walk back out to our sales floor. I go behind the counter and sit down waiting for anyone to come in. an hour later a man with a MC kutt on. He's tall maybe 6,4 or 5, he has big arms with tattoos all over. He looks like he's built from straight muscle itself. "Can I help you with anything sir"? "Yeah where's Sam, oh and I need a few parts for the bike I'm fixing up" the guy says. "I'll go get Sam and then I can help you find the parts you need for your bike". "Sounds good sweetheart" the guy says and I roll my eyes as I turn and walk to the back. "Hey sam there's some guy here for you". "Okay I'll be up there in a minute I have to finish this" Sam says. I walk back out to the man. "Sam will be up shortly he has to finish up something, while you wait for him would you like me to help you find those parts"? "Yes, that would be great," the man says. "Okay, follow me" I say, showing him to the three isles with bike parts. "Any bike parts you need will be down these three isles". "Thanks sweetness," the man says. "My name is Emily, not your little nicknames" the man smirks and I turn walking back behind the counter letting the man find the parts he needs. A few minutes later Sam walks out from the back. "You said someone was here for me" Same asks? "Yeah he's getting bike parts right now I'm sure he'll be up here in a minute". "I think I know who it is," Sam says and the man from earlier walks up to the counter putting the parts on it. "Hey Sam," the man says. "Hey prez what you need from me" Sam asks? "Nothing much came to tell you that we moved the BBQ too saturday instead of friday" prez says. I ring up the parts and look at him "your total is $65.43". "Here you go" prez says handing me the money. "Thank you, you have a good day sir". "You too Emily" prez says and walks out of the store. "You like him" Sam asks? "No of course not, i don't even know him".

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