"How exciting!" Hyacinth exclaims as Colin says," perhaps she can tell us of time spent far away from London."

"Fran has missed so much." Gregory states.

"Indeed." Violet agrees." It certainly has been an eventful season, what with Daphne and the duke, and Anthony and..." she stops when Anthony glares at her.

"Yes, well, never mind." Violet says, before she walks off, allowing Eloise to finally leave the room. Elizabeth glances to Benedict, and she says," I shall be back."

"Alright." He mumbles as he's concentrated over his drawing.

Elizabeth manages to catch up to Eloise, the two heading out to the vast gardens of the Bridgerton estate. They sit down on the swing set, and Eloise offers a cigarette to Elizabeth; which she takes, agreeing to not tell Anthony or Violet.

"You think that Madame Delacroix is Lady Whistledown, don't you?" The older girl asks the teen, who responds with," the queen has entrusted me to find out Whistledown's identity. I believe Madame Delacroix to be her; it has to be someone close to high society but far enough to not be entangled in it. Whistledown is a business woman and so is Delacroix."

"You're so smart, El." Elizabeth praises, making the girl smile somewhat shyly." Your mind is absolutely amazing but...it is not the modiste, I can assure you."

"Who else could it be?" Eloise asks and for that, Elizabeth does not have an answer." She has eyes and ears into every conversation she dresses half of, if not all of, the ton!"

"I believe if it were her she'd have written about Benedict and I by now." Elizabeth states in response, but Eloise has an answer to this as well.

"She and Benedict are friends, she probably will not write about her friends." She explains, and that seems like a fair point to bring up." I'll continue to investigate her and if I am wrong, then I am wrong."

"Well, I support you, and I shall help you out however I can." Says Elizabeth, the two taking drags of their cigarettes before Eloise says," I know neither of us nor Benedict like the prospect of this marriage thing but I really hope you do end up marrying my brother. That way you can be apart of our Bridgerton clan for real; a true sister as I have always seen you."

"The only way you'll get me to agree to a marriage would be if your brother were to ask." Smiles Elizabeth, making Eloise grin to her before they both take another drag of their cigarettes.

"I must say I am glad he finally came to his senses I swear he has been pining after you, most likely unknowingly, since he were about 24." Eloise comments and Elizabeth raises an eyebrow at her." You did not see how he got before you'd come over for your art lessons he was like an excited puppy, he's been in love with you for a while it just took a moment for him to realise it."

"Men are dense, I've known I've been in love with him since I was twelve." Elizabeth tells and Eloise laughs.

The two girls remain on the swing set together, swinging happily and talking with one another. Elizabeth had always viewed Eloise like a younger sister, and she was glad to find out that Eloise viewed her in a similar light and wanted her to be apart of the Bridgerton family even with her views of marriage. Elizabeth supposed it was because Eloise trusted Benedict, knew he'd allow Elizabeth to work if she wished, knew he'd love her as she should be loved.

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