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With my sunglasses on I walk across the pitlane, my hair still damp from the shower I've been under for just a little too long this morning, when I woke up this morning I had had a dream about Liana, and what a dream, I dreamed about me doing it with her, everything felt as I had hoped she would feel tight and warm, her body felt soft and her breasts moved up and down under my movements. I woke up this morning with a painful erection and since there is no one here to help me with this I had to do it myself. I greeted Pierre and he walks up to me. "Lando, good luck today, where your is wife?" "She is coming later she is still at the hotel with my father, why?" "Kika wanted to ask for her number, she had a great time with her yesterday." "I can give you her number then you can send it to Kika." I send Pierre Liana's number and we talk a little more about last night. "Logan didn't like your comment very much yesterday." "Logan shouldn't be so difficult, it was a joke." "You sounded pretty mean Lando." I wave away his comment. "If I see him I'll tell him I was joking." I promise Pierre, he is called into his pit box and I walk on to the Mclaren pit boxes. "Good morning Oscar, you're early today!" "I can't say that about you." He smiles and I lower my sunglasses slightly. "Tough night?" I laugh. "If only it was." I give him a box and walk on to my dressing room.

Before I climb into my car I talk to my father for a moment he wishes me luck and I exchange a quick glance with Liana, she smiles at me and I give her a kiss on her forehead. As I walk away I wonder again why I did this, I climb into my car and wait there until I am rolled onto the track. My car does not feel good the moment I am on the track and I try to pass this on but just get the idea that I am being listened to. After the start I have already lost a few places and during the race I can be found in the pit more often than any other team. When I stand next to my car after the race and take off my helmet I walk angrily towards Zak. "So what was this nonsense race Zak, are you trying to kick me off the team now like you did with Danny!!!" The anger in my voice is easily heard and I see some other workers looking our way. "Lando, calm down, come then we'll talk further in the locker room." Zak puts an arm around my shoulders and leads me into my dressing room.

I can tell from Lando's attitude that he is struggling with something, only I know exactly what this is, his focus hasn't been on racing for a while and he's gone off the map because he's been hanging out with that Max Farwtrell too much, I hope he forgets about him and starts focusing more on Liana because she's really nice, she'll do anything for him. But knowing my son, he will deny seeing anything in her for another year for sure. The way he suddenly gave her a kiss on her forehead even surprised me, as he walked away to his car I saw him shake his head and I saw that Liana didn't know where to look.

When I see Zak walking away from Lando's dressing room, I tap Liana and she follows me toward Lando. I knock on the door and don't wait for an answer but immediately push the door open and walk in. Liana behind my hesitates and I pull her in with me. "That wasn't what I was hoping for." I say to him to provoke a response. Angry he looks at me and ignoring his look, I decide to throw some more oil on the fire. "Can you shut up for a second!" He says to me, I can see the anger in his eyes, but I couldn't care about it since it's my money he is wasting away like this. "Can you try harder next time? Then I want to shut up. I'm not paying for nothing!" An argument ensues between me and Lando and I see that Liana doesn't know how to hold her own. "You'll have to do better Lando but we'll let it rest, I was going to ask you and Liana if you wanted to go out to dinner with me tonight?" I see Lando looking a little doubtful. "Sure we will be there, what time in the lobby?" "At 6:30, and put on something nice don't show up in your sweatpants again."

When he plane lands again and I am finally back on solid ground I am glad the weekend is over, at the airport Carl is waiting for me to drive me home again, quickly I get in and we drive away. "Good weekend ma'am?" I think about my answer for a moment before I say anything. "Busy mostly." "It wasn't a very good weekend for Lando." "He was indeed not very happy. But you can't always win." Carl nods and silence falls in the car, we get to the penthouse quickly and I get out of the car immediately, I grab my suitcase from the back hatch and wave to Carl before walking into the lobby of the apartment. Happy to be alone in the house for a while.

I'm lying on the couch watching a series when I see my cell phone light up. I grab it off the table and see messages coming in from a number I don't know. 'I really enjoyed talking to you at the drivers dinner, I got your number through Pierre, Lando had given it to him, would you like to have lunch together sometime? Greetings Kika' I let my thumbs hang over the screen not knowing how to respond to this, Kika was very nice to me and to be honest I could use a friend who could help me a bit with my clothing style and it is always nice to have someone I can talk to when I have to go to a race weekend. 'Looks like a lot of fun, when do you have time?' I send back and then put my cell phone back on the table.

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