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Today is my wedding day, I look at myself in the mirror, I smirk at myself. How can I be so stupid to just let this go on too, I don't have much other choice. The business meeting I had to attend last time also came to nothing. The wife of the man with whom my father had a conversation was boring and couldn't laugh about anything, after a while I walked away to the bar and talked to the bartender, she went home with me at the end of the evening when everyone had already left, of course I couldn't let it appear that I was flirting with other women while my father had first extensively told about my engagement and these people would also be at my wedding today.

"Lando?" "What is it?" I turned to my father who was tapping on his watch. "Yes I'm coming!" Reluctantly I fastened my tie and walked after my father into a small room where almost everyone in my family was present, I wondered if any of Liana's relatives were present but I quickly shook off these thoughts, what the hell. Everything about this day took me too long, also this day was not even about me but more about my father so he could show how well his company was doing and me, everything is played but fine, I will participate as long as he keeps giving my race team money.

This was the worst day in my life so far, all day I've been talking to people I didn't know, the dearest thing I would have done today was to be with Jesse at the hospital, he came to see the ceremonie but after that my dad took him back to the hospital. My father  reacted with surprise when I told him I was getting married, of course it was as unexpected for him as it was for me. My first kiss with Lando felt terrible and the only bright spot on this day was Dustin, he couldn't believe I had been lying to him all these years about not having a relationship, I would have liked to confide in Dustin so much but I couldn't get the words past my lips, a deal is a deal and you have to keep it, or at least that's what I had always learned from my parents. 

Dustin came to congratulate me on my marriage. "I still can't believe you never said anything to me, I thought we were good friends." "We are Dustin." He gives me a hug and I whisper to him that I will explain again. "Liana!" I turn around and see Lando walking towards me with some of his family members, I smile sweetly at them. "Liana these are my aunts who really liked meeting you." Lando puts his hand around my waist and I try to get cozy with them. The day is very exhausting, I am therefore glad we can sit down to dinner, never would I have thought that a day could last as long as this one does. Lando and I are expected to do another opening dance, my feet hurt the moment we hit the dance floor, my breathing irregular and I feel my heart pounding in my throat, never before have I been so close to someone. I have always been a very prudish girl who didn't want to know anything about boys, now that I am so close to Lando I feel totally uncomfortable, something I have been all day but now I am also starting to get nervous from his touches. After the dance Lando lets go of me and I excuse myself to the bathroom. 

Once in the toilet area I'm looking for my phone in my handbag, when I find it I call Kim, I tell her I'm not comfortable and she tells me not to worry about it and have fun that I have to enjoy the evening, I promise her that I will do my best but I know that this is a lie, because from tomorrow I will no longer live in my own old house but with Lando. I have to think about Jesse for a moment, the only reason why I'm doing this is to see him happy again and to give him a fair chance for a hopefully healthy life. When I return to the party room not much later I see Lando hanging at the bar with his father, I hear them laughing and I slowly walk in that direction.

I am completely done with this day and the nagging of my relatives, I left Liana with them and went to the hotel room where I was supposed to spend my wedding night, this evening will certainly be used but not with her, besides my relatives there were plenty of other people present at my so-called wedding, one of the waitresses has been trying to get my attention all evening and she succeeded, together with her I entered the elevator and now here she is naked on my bed, her head pushed into the bed, my hands on her lower back, the room filled with her moans. This is the best way to blow off steam.

As I near my high point I hear the door of the room open and Liana standing in the door opening, she looks startled and I grin at her. "Wanne join or?" She quickly turns and walks away. I have no intention of going after her later, we will have to share this room together today but that doesn't mean I can have fun first. After I am done with the server I make sure she is out of my room as soon as possible and unseen as well, I myself get in the shower before going to bed. I hear Liana come back into the room after a while, the bathroom door is still ajar and I hear her come in. "Sorry." I hear her say when she notices me in the shower. "If you want you can join me in here." Again I make the same joke with her this time without being able to see her facial expression and I laugh to myself. "No I'll be fine, I'll wait."

When I come walking out of the bathroom Liana is already changed, her pajamas consist of an oversized shirt and shorts, without saying anything she shoots past me, it looks like she is scared of me, honestly I don't care much, I whip open the covers on my side of the bed and then crawl into bed. I almost fell asleep when she finally says something to me for the first time of the day. "Are we sleeping in the same bed?" "Do you see another bed here?" I say indifferently. "No but..." Before she can finish her sentence I start talking. "Believe me Liana I'm not waiting for this either but we will have to, when we get home tomorrow you will get your own room and then I won't care what you do." I feel her get into the bed and I make sure to leave enough space between us.

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