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I cannot believe that I have been married for almost 3 months , the bond between me and Lando has not improved and frankly I am afraid to be with him in one room, the way he talks so openly about sex scares me, on the one hand I want to know what his experiences are but on the other hand I don't, there is a kind of jealousy in my feelings towards him. I also know that he doesn't care about me and that is obvious, if no other girl has come by for a week it is long, his father doesn't know anything and he thinks Lando is very happy. He makes it look better than it is because so far we have slept alone every night.

I am on my way to see Jesse he has been asking a lot about me and I have been too busy these past few weeks, I had to compulsively go to dinners with Lando and there I had to pretend we were a happily married couple. I shake off thoughts of Lando, I can't let Jesse know I feel bad. When I walk into Jesse's room he is lying in his bed with his switch in his hands. "Hello you!" He is startled by my voice but his expression then immediately changes to the cheerful boy I know. "Liana! Where have you been? I've missed you!" I walk up to his bed and give him a hug. " I'm sorry, I had to go with Lando to very boring dinners." "I want to go to dinners with him too, the food here is not good." I smile and am happy to see that he is finally doing well again. "When can you go home? Then I'll ask Lando if you can go out to dinner with us." I say with a manufactured smile. Jesse likes Lando even though Jesse has only talked to him for a few minutes, when you talk about games Jesse always likes you right away. Lando told Jesse about his Twitch channel and Jesse watched everything from him. "How's Lando doing?" "Yeah he's fine." I find it hard to talk about Lando especially since I don't really know anything about him yet except that he games a lot, is a McLaren driver, he's very popular with the ladies and his father has his own energy company.

After my visit with Jesse I promised him I would ask my husband if Jesse could play games with him sometime, with a brick on my stomach to ask something to Lando I am on my way again, I ask the driver to drive past the flower store where I worked. After my marriage I wasn't supposed to work anymore because there was enough money anyway but I missed Dustin and I needed his advice. "Look who's dropping by again!" Dustin smiles when he sees me. "I need your help Dustin." "They always come back when they need my help." "I'm sorry I've been so unresponsive." "Calm down Lian. I'm just joking with you." I put my whole story to Dustin a silence falls then he starts laughing. "He is your husband why wouldn't you ask if he wants to do something with your little brother, surely he knows the Jesse has been sick for a very long time, I am glad to hear he is doing so well again but that aside. Liana he almost sounds like you are afraid of him." "No, no no, it's just that he doesn't know my little brother at all and I find it hard to ask him to do something for him when he has only seen him on our wedding day." 

I have taken some days off from my father's company, winter break is almost over and I am trying to prepare for the boys' reaction on the grid, everyone knows that I broke up with my ex another year ago and now they must have heard that I am suddenly married. Even Max Fawtrell who is supposed to be my best friend didn't know anything about my marriage.

Liana's father and little brother seemed okay to me, although okay was a big word for her little brother, he was skin on bones but he was excited to meet me, the look in the boy's eyes reminded me of the times I was that age, Jesse as he was called was gone as quickly as he was here, he didn't look very healthy and this is the first time I felt sorry for anyone. The boy was so young and he could achieve so much but his illness held him back.

I agreed with Max to go out tonight, he would stay here tonight, I am very curious to see how this evening will go. As I come out of the bathroom I hear the elevator open. "Laaaannnddoooo!" Max's voice echoes through my penthouse. " Muppet where are you?" "Stop calling me muppet." I yell at him as I make my way to the living room. "I had hoped you would be the pizza delivery guy but alas." I laugh loudly at my joke and Max looks at me angrily. "Why did I have to be here so early?" "Yeah I wanted to talk to you about something, maybe you've already heard it passed by somewhere." I let out a silence for a moment, Max gestures for me to keep talking. "My father thought it was a good idea for me to get married." "So what?" I sigh. " I got married." Max starts laughing really hard. "Lando you always make me laugh, I almost believed you." I don't laugh with him and put my right hand in the air where a big gold ring can be seen around it, he stops laughing and his mouth falls open. "You what? No this is a joke right?" "If only it were a joke."

 After I explained the whole story to Max over dinner, we were on our way to my regular club. For good measure I let Max take girls back home today because for the outside world I should be happily married to my golddigging wife. The Norris name has done me a lot of good in the past but I am not happy with the fact that I am now looked at differently.

In the club I notice an immediate difference where normally I had to beat the ladies away from me, this evening it remains very quiet, Max gets enough attention and takes advantage of it. "Can my friend come too then?" Do I hear a female voice ask Max. "Of course she can come along, I still have a friend free who will gladly catch her." Max points in my direction and I see a lady with long black hair smiling at me. "Isn't he married?" I hear her friend say. "Does it matter?" Says Max bluntly to her. "If his wife finds out?" I'm really tired of hearing this for 3 months and blend into the conversation. "Listen I make my own choices, with or without a wife, my marriage was an arranged marriage so what do I care!" With that said the lady with the black hair comes closer to me. "So you wouldn't mind if I went home with you?" She whispers in my ear. "Of course not darling, I can give you an unforgettable evening." She smiles and I feel her lips come down my neck, something I am very sensitive to, I let her go her way and enjoy the touches I have missed so much lately, I feel a certain place in my body getting ready for the rest of the evening, before I let her go this evening I want to hear her scream my name in pleasure.

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