"Not enough?" I snort. "He is more than what you were when you met dad."


"What? It is the truth and you know it, mum. Yes, you had your degree, a PhD and all that, but when you two met, you had no idea about what you wanted to do with your life. You had no job, no money, and were living with your parents. Declan already has a very successful career, his own money, his own house. He can take care of himself, and you couldn't say the same."

"That's... that's..." my mum says, her cheeks bright pink. "Urgh!"

"Wait, Letizia! Where are you going? What about the party?"

"There is no party!" she yells, closing the door behind her.

"Party? What party?" I ask.

"Since we aren't going to be here for your birthday, she wanted to organise a surprise one just for the family. Us, uncle Jamie, your grandparents, grandmama..."

"Grandmama is coming?"

"Yeah... Guess I'll now have to tell her it's been cancelled."

"Good luck with that" I chuckle.

"She's coming anyway, isn't she?" he says, scratching the back of his head. "And when she finds out about the reason why there is no party..."

"She knows I'm seeing someone, I told her over Christmas. But she'll definitely want to meet you" I say, looking at Declan.

"What do you say, Rice. Are you ready to meet my mother?" my dad asks him.

"I... guess?" he mumbles.

"I'll leave alone you so you can think about it. Or go back to what you were doing, whatever you fancy. It was nice seeing you again, Declan."

"You too, sir" he replies.

"You don't have to meet her if you aren't ready yet" I say once my dad has left.

"I already met your parents while being topless and you on top of me. It can't be worse than that, can it?" he chuckles. "And you said she was ok with us dating."

"That's what she said, yes" I sigh.

"Eleanor, you already met my whole family in one go and when you weren't expecting it. This is the least I can do."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure" he says, caressing my cheek.

"You are so brave, Declan Rice" I laugh, slowly pushing him down until he is laying on the sofa once again.

"That's what they say" he smirks. "Are we gonna continue where we left it?"

"If we want to survive meeting my family, we are gonna need this, yes. But don't tell my grandmother" I say, brushing my lips against his.

"It'll be our secret" he smiles before kissing me.


"I thought we were having a surprise party!"

"That got cancel, grandmama."


"Because mum and dad caught Ellie making out with her boyfriend" Sophie says with a big smile.

"He's here?"

"He's outside with David."

"Then ask him to come in! Poor boy, waiting outside like a beggar or something" she laughs.

"Close" my mum whispers.

"Letizia, darling, did you say anything?" my grandmother says, arching an eyebrow.

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