009 - screw jeor mormont

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    "Is this their idea of a welcoming party?" Tyrion murmured.

    Uncle Benjen offered a helpful grin, "Something of the sorts."

    Aloy observed the inside of the fortress. It was in better condition compared to the ruins outside. A medium-sized elevator sat against the wall. It was controlled by the more useless soldiers, ones seemingly without a purpose.
    Benjen ordered a few men to take their horses into the stables. He spotted the Lord Commander, Jeor Mormont, standing strong on top of his terrace.
    A faded man with pasty white skin. He appeared large with a belly, dressed in all black with a fur cloak draped around his broad shoulders. His blonde hair and beard now overwhelmed with grey, indicating his increasing age. His eyes burned into Aloy's skull as she took in her surroundings.

    "So these are the unwanted souls." He began, sluggishly walking down the stairs. "Very disappointed."

     The horde of men chortled. They cleared a path, allowing their higher up to move past.

    "Tyrion Lanni—"

    "I know who you are. I could smell the pompous wine hours before you arrived." Jeor spat.

    Tyrion retracted his extended hand. Jeor crept closer, looking down the line of men and one woman presented to him. He criticized Jon, naming him too pretty for a place like The Wall. Aloy rolled her eyes, covering it up with a twist of her head.

    Jeor took notice, "Am I boring you?"

    Aloy cursed under her breath, flexing her neck back towards the Lord Commander. "No, sir. It's just travellers pain." She lied.

    Jeor stormed over to her. Benjen pivoting to shield his niece but to no avail. Jeor stood eerily close to Aloy in an effort to intimidate her. Aloy stared daggers into the scruffy man, showing none of the fear that was present in her mind.

    "Travellers pain my arse. What are you trying to accomplish?" Jeor interrogated, droplets of spitted fury landing on his beard.

    "To become a man of the Nights Watch." Aloy replied honestly to the ridicule of her peers.

    "And how do you expect me to allow that?" Jeor examined. "You'd get eaten alive in here, even worse out there."

    "I'll carry my weight like any other soldier here." Aloy took a step closer, hands clasping each other behind her back.

    Jeor shook his head, "The answer is no. Go back to whatever whore house you came from."

    Jon was fuming, close to charging at the Lord Commander before being stopped by his uncle. Benjen stepped forward, his eyes relaxed but twinging with a maddening fire behind them.

    In an effort, he tried to reason with the Mormont. "She is the eldest daughter of Eddard Stark, Warden of the North and Lord Of Winterfell. I have his grace and his order...to let her join the Nights Watch, alongside her brother and the rest."

    "She's a bastard." Jeor protested.

    "So is everyone else here." Tyrion pointed out.

    The crowd looked to the dwarf dressed in red and gold. He did have a point, Jeor was simply too stupid to admit it. He grumbled, letting out a loud grunt in protest. He stuck a finger in Benjen's face.

BLACK WOLF --- GoT [s1 - s4]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن