What the fuck dude

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I was hanging out at my boyfriend Brady's house with him, his twin brother Connor, Connors girlfriend Layla, and some of their friends. We were all in the living room on couch's talking. There were two couch's on one couch was me, Brady, and two of the twins friends Aiden and tanner. On the other couch was Connor, Layla and two more friends pj and Cole. We were waiting on their friend Ryan. I didn't like Ryan he creeped me out he always had I didn't tell Brady and Connor this though because they were so close with him.

Eventually Ryan got there and when he arrived I was sitting next to Brady while he had his arm around me. Ryan saw me and sent me a gross smirk

"I'm gonna go get something to drink" i whispered to Brady hoping to get one more second away from Ryan

"Okay baby" Brady said giving me a quick kiss on the forehead

I walked through to Brady's kitchen and grabbed a water out of the fridge. I stood there trying to kill time so I wouldn't have to talk to Ryan but I know Brady would eventually get worried about me and wonder where I was so I reluctantly walked back to the living room. I was going to go back to my original spot next to Brady but when I got there Ryan had already taken it.

"My bad did I take your seat" Ryan said to me with a smirk

"Yeah" I mumbled

"There's a seat right here for you" he said patting his leg laughing

Brady and his friends also laughed thinking it was a joke while I hoped it was. I ignored him and went and took a seat on Brady's lap. We sat there for a few minutes before we decided to go get in the pool. Me and Layla decided to sun bath while the boys got into the pool, I laid on my stomach so I could tan my back. About 5 minutes after laying there I felt a hard smack on my ass and a sting following it I looked back expecting to see Brady but instead I saw Ryan

"Damn y/n you got a nice ass Brady's lucky he gets to fuck that thing" he laughed grossly

I felt gross and disgusting in my own body, I looked around to see if anyone had heard or saw this and everyone had all jaws were dropped except for Brady he was pissed

"What the fuck dude?" Connor said just as mad as Brady because I'm like a sister to him

"Did you just slap my girlfriends ass?" Brady said practically fuming

"It's was just a joke calm down" Ryan said

"No, no it wasn't it was fucking disgusting don't you dare ever touch her again don't even talk or look at her get the fuck out of my house" Brady yelled

"Dude come on" Ryan said laughing

"No you fucking heard him get out of here" Connor hissed

At this point all the boys were mad because they all knew it was gross and I didn't deserve it. Ryan saw all the boys starting to get mad and left because he didn't want problems.

Connor had everyone go home and said they'd hangout another day while me and Brady went up to Brady's room, Brady shut his bedroom door behind us and then he pulled me into his arms and just kept kissing my head

"I'm so sorry y/n I can't believe I let that happen I should've told him to leave when he said the first gross thing but I just thought he was joking I'm sorry baby" he said while rubbing my back

"It's okay Brady I'm gonna go take a shower I wanna get the feeling of him off of me"

"Okay baby" he said giving me a quick kiss

I turned around to go to his bathroom when I heard

"What the actual fuck" Brady said pissed

"What" I asked

"Y/n his fucking hand print is on your ass like it's the perfect outline of his hand"

I looked in the long mirror Brady had on his wall and saw that there was bright red hand print right on my ass. I looked at Brady he was even madder then he was before, he yelled for Connor to come in his room

"What Brady" Connor said walking into the room

"Look at what Ryan left on y/n" Brady said turning me around where Connor could see

Connors jaw dropped and he was mad too now

"Oh hell no it one thing for him to touch her but he left a mark on her too"

I didn't know what Connor and Brady were gonna do to Ryan but I figure it wouldn't end well so I just tried to calm them down

"Guys listen it's fine I don't even care that much" I said

"No y/n it's not fucking fine" Brady said

"Yes it is both you just clam down it's not worth the fight I don't care the mark will go away"

After a few minutes they calmed down and I took a shower. I came out and Brady was laying in bed watching tv waiting for me, I got in bed beside him and but my head on his chest while he put his arms around me, he gave me quick kiss on the forehead

"I'm sorry I let that happen dove I love you" he said softly

"It's okay I love you too"

Brady noon imagines🫶🏽Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat