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Brian played music with a record player

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Brian played music with a record player.

Eventually they started to dance.

Andrew, the popular athlete, unleashes his athleticism with a series of powerful leaps and spins. His movements exude strength and grace, defying the expectations placed upon him.

Next, Claire, the popular princess, gracefully twirls across the room, her movements radiating elegance and confidence. She dances with an enchanting poise that defies the shallow image she portrays.

Bender, the rebellious outsider, breaks free from his tough facade, moving with raw intensity and fluidity. His dance is a captivating blend of defiance and vulnerability.

Brian, the brainy nerd, surprises everyone with his rhythmic footwork, his glasses gleaming as he immerses himself in the music.

Allison, the shy outcast, sheds her invisibility and dances with an ethereal and whimsical graceful.

Cassie's movements are delicate and graceful, as if she's floating on air. With a dreamy expression on her face, she sways and twirls to the rhythm of the music, completely immersed in her own world, her movements reflecting her hidden free spirit.

Cassie's dance is a reflection of her free-spirited nature and her desire to escape the realities of life. Her gestures are fluid, almost like a gentle breeze, and every step she takes is filled with a sense of childlike wonder.

Through her dance, Cassie expresses her emotions, allowing them to flow freely without inhibition.

It's a captivating sight, as she captivates the attention of those around her, drawing them into her whimsical realm. Cassie's dance is a beautiful and unique expression of her innermost self, a way for her to break free from the constraints of the world and find solace in the enchantment of movements.

But eventually they ended up sitting on the rail, Cassie next to Allison and Claire.

Bender had to go back to the room he was in much to Cassie's complaining, but not with out a slow dance to a fast song with her.

"Brian? Are you gonna write your paper?" Claire asked with her Cherry red hair tucked behind her ear as she bit her lip talking to Brian.

"Yeah. Why?" Brian asked as they held eye contact and Cassie smiled at the tension.

"Well, it's kind of a waste for all of us to write our paper, don't you think?" Claire said and Cassie nodded but she could only think about one person, little did she knew he was only thinking about her too.

"Well, that's what Vernon wants us to do" Brian said like it was the most obvious thing.

"True, but I think we'd all kind of say the same thing" Claire said while Cassie dozed off.

"You just don't want to
write your paper, right?" Brian said raising her eyebrow.

"True,'re the smartest, right?" Claire said and Brian scoffed and smiled.

"Well..." Brian said cockily.

"We trust you" Cassie said smiling.

"Yeah" Claire said putting a hand on Brian's shoulder.

"All right. I'll do it." Brian said hopping off the rail.

"Okay" Claire said and looked over to Allison and Cassie.

"Come on" Claire said tugging on both of them.

"Where are we going?" Cassie asked as she hopped off the railing.

"Come on" Claire said and grabbed Cassies and Allison's hand.


"Don't be afraid" Claire said To Cassie after she Re-did Allison, Cassie liked her make up before but she wasn't gonna tell anyone that besides her new look looks just as lovey, and as long as she's happy.

"Don't stick that in my eye" Cassie said as Claire put on a Brown Eye stick on Cassie's natural face.

"I'm not sticking it. Just close it...No, wait. Just go - Go like that" Claire Said breaking from doing Cassie's make up to imitate, closing her eyes and Cassie copied.

"Good" Claire Said and A Moment went by before she went and grabbed one of her unused pink lipsticks.

"Please. Why are you being so nice to me?" Cassie asked skeptically.

"'Cause you're letting me." Claire said before backing up and smiling.

"Go find Bender" Claire Said and Cassie blushed.

"W-hat do You mean?!?" Cassie said defensively.

"Go to him. But that lip stick better not smear" Claire said sternly.

"You think he likes me?" Cassie said smiling and Claire smiled at her and nodded.

"Yes now go!" Claire said and Cassie nodded hopping off the table and went to the library door.

As she walked to Vernon's desk grabbing they key, while he wasn't there, she didn't even care if she got caught.

She unlocked the door and Bender looked up at her.

"You lost, sweets?" Bender said now standing up suddenly his shirt exposing his neck.

"Nope" Cassie said walking up to him and they made eye contact before she kissed him on his neck.

"Why'd you do that?" Bender asked, wide eyed, leaning on a shelf by them.

"'Cause I knew you wouldn't." Cassie said smiling.

And Bender nodded before making eye contact and Cassie smiled.

Cassie did smear her lip stick, by leaving a pink kiss mark on his neck.

"You know how before you said you have a problem eating, because your parents think your not good enough?" Bender said and Cassie nodded.

"Yea? Well I think your perfection" Bender said kissing her pink lips once again and Cassie smiled into the kiss.

After they broke apart.

"What happened to you?" Bender asked and Cassie frowned but smiled again.

"Why? Claire did it" Cassie said and Bender put a hand on her cheek before giving her a small smile.

"Nothing is wrong" Bender Said his eyes burning into her face as he tried to memorize her.

"Your perfect" Bender Said and he kissed her again before the door flew open.

"Alight your free to go" Vernon said and his face scrunched up eyeing both the teens in horror, his mind scared of what they done or would have done before he barged in.

Cassie giggled before grabbing Benders hand and Running out of the room to be met with Andrew and Allison Holding hands, same goes for Claire and Brian, and Allison handed me My pink tote bag and Leather Jacket and I smiled before putting it on.

As they walked down the hall they saw Carl and his head snapped towards us and he smiled.

"See you, Brian" Carl said and Brian nodded and Claire smiled and Leaned on him.

Every one passed him with respectful nods.

"See you next Saturday" Bender said and Carl smiled and nodded.

"You bet" Carl said.


Mental Case-- JOHN BENDERNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ