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It's been awhile since Vernon took Bender to who knows where, Cassie was thinking about it when she heard a creek.

"Did you heard that?" Cassie asked looking up at the ceiling,  with Benders shades one.

"It's probably just the mice" Claire said and Cassie nodded and plopped her head down onto Benders and Her's table.

"OH SHIT!!" Cassie heard John yell and her head snapped towards the sound.

And then John came down the stairs like nothing happened, rubbing his neck with gray dust in his hair.

"Are you okay?" Cassie asked and Bender Just smirk and winked at her.

"Forgot my pencil." Bender said shrugging going by Cassie and grabbing his pencil and Cassie looked at him like he was crazy but before she could say anything she heard a voice.

"Goddamn it!" Vernon said and Cassie motioned for bender it go under the table and he did but he did it wrong of it was an uncomfortable position.

"What in God's name is going on in here?" Vernon said Running in the library and Cassie squeaked nervously, she wasn't very good at lying.

"What was that ruckus?" Vernon asked and Cassie played with her pencil and put on a certain look like he was crazy.

"I was just in my office,
and I heard a ruckus." Vernon said putting his hands on his hip.

"Could you describe the ruckus, sir?" Brian asked looking over.

"Watch your tongue, young man. Watch it" Vernon said threateningly as he pointed at Brian.


Bender tried to get up, but Bender hit his head with a groan, but was covered up with Andrew slapping there table in a song like form and Bender hit back thanking him.

And Allison put her feet down stomping, while Andrew made a zipping sound.

"What is this? What is that? What-What is that-What is that noise?" Vernon asked and Cassie kept the 'are you okay?' Look on.

"What noise?" Andrew asked.

"Really, sir, there wasn't any noISe" Cassie said and Vernon rolled his eyes.

Cassie felt something on her thigh but brushed it off, until she felt wet kisses on her upper thigh, and A rough hand forcing her thighs open so they don't crush him and Vernon looked at her again.

It took all of Cassie's might but she crushed him with her thighs before he could reach her...you know.

And she played it off with a cough, feeling his hand slap her boney calf and she opened her thighs for him to get out and he did but not with out a small noise of complaint that only she could hear.

"That noise was that what you were talking about?" Cassie asked as she came down from her fake couching fit with the others just continued coughing and then stopped.

"No, it wasn't. That was not the noise I was talking about. Now, I may not have caught you in the act this time, but you can bet I will. You make book on that, missy" Vernon said pointing at Allison made a cough like laugh.

"And you! I will not be made a fool of....crazy bitch" Vernon said but mumbled the last part and only Cassie heard it and she pushed her chair back for him to get out only to be met with hit to the shoulder.

"You Perv" Cassie said and Bender shrugged.

"It was an accident." Bender said before they made eye contact.

"You don't match your clothes? Then again your Bra is pink too" Bender said looking directly at Cassie's Chest and she huffed and turned away.

"So, Ahab, can I have all my doobage?" Bender asked Walking towards Brian and Cassie still had Benders shades on.

Mental Case-- JOHN BENDEROpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz